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"I'm not sure what you mean about money going from the poor to the rich via the power of government."

It's very simple, really.

In British Columbia, Canada, the BC government applies a 50% "carbon" tax on domestic natural gas usage. That's everyone, even the poor.

The British Columbia government, you see, is all in on the Climate Change ideology and Battery Vehicles - sorry, Battery Electric Vehicles - is one of their answers to Climate Change.

The BC government takes money from less wealth people and eventually gives those monies as bribery - sorry, "incentives" - to more wealthy people to entice them to buy an expensive Battery Vehicle.

Oh, and those same people who buy Battery Vehicles in Canada also get either a federal tax credit or an incentive, too!

It all helps them buy that EV that is "starting to make sense".

That's corruption, pure and simple because guess who those more wealthy people are going to vote for in the next election?

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You are once again confusing Climate Change crap with BEVs. The electric vehicle movement was popular long before all this Climate Change Fear Porn started. People just loved EVs and for a long time had to convert ICE cars themselves because Big Auto refused to sell them. EVs are just a better way to run a vehicle, even for distance driving EVs will supplant ICE vehicles. And that has nothing to do with Climate Change. But certainly all the climate change hype will add to the pressure to switch to all EVs. China and Europe are already committing to 100% EV production by 2030. They're the biggest markets. That will spell the end of ICE vehicle dominance.

Friend, give it up, it's coming. EVs are just plain and simple better tech. I worked on big Industrial Electric Drives that have been running continuously for over 100yrs with only minor maintenance.

Forget the Climate Change Alarmism crap, that's a diversion. The arseholes promoting that don't want you to have even an EV never mind an ICE vehicle. They want you to be so poor you can only afford to ride a bus.

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So you have a vested interest in Battery Vehicles.

No wonder you're pushing them so hard.

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What vested interest. I'm retired. The only vested interest I have is in doing the right thing which promoting a better world. Note I'm vehemently opposed to Climate Change Alarmism, alarmism that is going to make a worse world. But EVs, are an improvement over the ICE vehicle, don't need to be mandated, people will buy them because they're better.

Maybe you are projecting and have a vested interest in ICE vehicles that's why you despise EVs to the point of insanity. I get you like ICE vehicles, I got no problem with that, as far as I'm concerned you should be able to happily drive them until the day you die. I just can't figure why you have such hatred for EV's. Like is it any skin off of your back if people want to buy them? Vested interest?

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Again it's because our governments are pushing Battery Vehicles by bribing more wealthy people to buy them with less wealthy people's money, all in the name of Climate Change.

They're taking money from me by force and then giving it to some more wealthy dude to entice him to buy a car that I could never hope to afford.

If governments weren't involved, I'd say fine. The market will decide. But, in this case, governments are actually making regulations to eventually HALT the sale of ICE vehicles. In other words, governments are forcing the situation, just like Stalin did with his industrialization of the Soviet Union and just like the US did with alcohol during Prohibition.

This will be nothing but a disaster to North American societies.

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Yes, I don't agree with that, at least not now that the tech has matured. The far, far bigger issue is the $trillions in subsidies going to Wind & Solar even though they are fully mature tech that should now compete fairly in the marketplace without subsidies, mandates or exemptions. Focus on that, that is what is causing our electricity prices to skyrocket.

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