I disagree about defining those events as a revolution. People overthrew governments weak enough to fall on their own, which is exactly what happened in Bulgaria. We didn't even have protests. The government simply resigned. It's been repeatedly called "a bloodless revolution", I suppose only to use the word revolution because it sounds so self-satisfying. Romania's approach could probably be defined as a revolution, since they did protest, they did riot and they did shoot their dictators... and where is Romania 30+ years later? One of the poorest countries in Europe. That's how well it worked. Note that I am not comparing Romania today to Romania under Ceausescu -- Ceausescu absolutely deserved to be executed. I am only talking about the supposedly beneficial results of revolutions.
Well they sure as hell weren't evolution. If they weren't evolution what were they? I don't know about Romania & Bulgaria but certainly East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia & Hungary did far better exiting the Soviet Union. And Russia has done better after the corrupt Yeltsin destroyed Russia, although they still have a private Western Bankster Central Bank they need to overthrow (revolt against). You ain't going to overthrow the Bankster cartel in the west without a revolution.
Revolution worked pretty good in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, East Germany & Bulgaria 30yrs ago.
I disagree about defining those events as a revolution. People overthrew governments weak enough to fall on their own, which is exactly what happened in Bulgaria. We didn't even have protests. The government simply resigned. It's been repeatedly called "a bloodless revolution", I suppose only to use the word revolution because it sounds so self-satisfying. Romania's approach could probably be defined as a revolution, since they did protest, they did riot and they did shoot their dictators... and where is Romania 30+ years later? One of the poorest countries in Europe. That's how well it worked. Note that I am not comparing Romania today to Romania under Ceausescu -- Ceausescu absolutely deserved to be executed. I am only talking about the supposedly beneficial results of revolutions.
Well they sure as hell weren't evolution. If they weren't evolution what were they? I don't know about Romania & Bulgaria but certainly East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia & Hungary did far better exiting the Soviet Union. And Russia has done better after the corrupt Yeltsin destroyed Russia, although they still have a private Western Bankster Central Bank they need to overthrow (revolt against). You ain't going to overthrow the Bankster cartel in the west without a revolution.