Battery Vehicles remind me of electric lawn mowers.
Notice that one does not see too many battery lawn mowers being used in city parks to cut grass.
We've had electric (battery AND wired) lawn mowers for years and yet cities still use gas-powered lawn mowers in their parks (especially those mowers with 4 turning blades).
Battery Vehicles remind me of electric lawn mowers.
Notice that one does not see too many battery lawn mowers being used in city parks to cut grass.
We've had electric (battery AND wired) lawn mowers for years and yet cities still use gas-powered lawn mowers in their parks (especially those mowers with 4 turning blades).
If battery technology is so advanced, why don't we see cities using battery lawn mowers to cut the lawns in their parks?
Because electricity simply does not have anywhere near the energy-density - and therefore the POWER - that petrol does.
Therefore Battery Vehicles, just like electric lawn mowers, when compared to ICE vehicles, are highly limited both in range (e.g., just in urban areas) and in what they can "carry".
I see Battery Vehicles as just toys for the wealthy.
Battery Vehicles remind me of electric lawn mowers.
Notice that one does not see too many battery lawn mowers being used in city parks to cut grass.
We've had electric (battery AND wired) lawn mowers for years and yet cities still use gas-powered lawn mowers in their parks (especially those mowers with 4 turning blades).
If battery technology is so advanced, why don't we see cities using battery lawn mowers to cut the lawns in their parks?
Because electricity simply does not have anywhere near the energy-density - and therefore the POWER - that petrol does.
Therefore Battery Vehicles, just like electric lawn mowers, when compared to ICE vehicles, are highly limited both in range (e.g., just in urban areas) and in what they can "carry".
I see Battery Vehicles as just toys for the wealthy.