No matter the technology, it takes the same amount of energy to drive the same vehicle from "A" to "B".
It just depends upon who will be paying the price for that energy.
What I've found is that the price of the energy for Battery Vehicles is borne by people who are paid next to nothing for their labour:
1. Thousands of children in Congo being paid $1-$2/day to mine cobalt for Battery Vehicle batteries.
China, by the way, is in Congo in a big way.
2. Slave labour (Uyghurs) in China very likely build the batteries for Battery Vehicles.
Also, electricity doesn't have anywhere near the energy-density that oil has. Thus, it takes far, far more electricity to provide the same amount of energy as oil provides. This will cause the price of electricity to sky-rocket, putting more and more people in the cold and dark.
As more Battery Vehicles appear on the road, the demand for electricity and therefore its cost will increase commensurately, making electricity out-of-reach for more and more people.
This means that our societies will slow to a crawl and begin to retreat.
This whole situation is a disaster waiting to happen, a completely avoidable disaster.
Electricity prices are one other thing EV campaigners overlook regularly. They seem to assume electricity prices are 1. frozen and 2. always cheaper than petrol prices.
No matter the technology, it takes the same amount of energy to drive the same vehicle from "A" to "B".
It just depends upon who will be paying the price for that energy.
What I've found is that the price of the energy for Battery Vehicles is borne by people who are paid next to nothing for their labour:
1. Thousands of children in Congo being paid $1-$2/day to mine cobalt for Battery Vehicle batteries.
China, by the way, is in Congo in a big way.
2. Slave labour (Uyghurs) in China very likely build the batteries for Battery Vehicles.
Also, electricity doesn't have anywhere near the energy-density that oil has. Thus, it takes far, far more electricity to provide the same amount of energy as oil provides. This will cause the price of electricity to sky-rocket, putting more and more people in the cold and dark.
As more Battery Vehicles appear on the road, the demand for electricity and therefore its cost will increase commensurately, making electricity out-of-reach for more and more people.
This means that our societies will slow to a crawl and begin to retreat.
This whole situation is a disaster waiting to happen, a completely avoidable disaster.
Electricity prices are one other thing EV campaigners overlook regularly. They seem to assume electricity prices are 1. frozen and 2. always cheaper than petrol prices.