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That may be but you will pay 6X as much to run on that battery with much lower performance except for range. And maximum range you can get is with a series hybrid EV, which is just an EV with an added small hyper-efficient one speed engine/generator.

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Hybrids are closer to the source of energy.

Fossil fuels.

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Fossils are currently the source of 82% of world energy, but for transportation they are not used efficiently. Essentially you can view the series hybrid as a much more efficient fossil fueled vehicle. Similarly you can view a pure BEV as a much more efficient fossil fueled vehicle, a series hybrid vehicle with the generator at a coal or gas powered plant. Herein you see the advantage. Natural gas is right now 10X cheaper per unit energy than gasoline or diesel. CCGT runs at ~4X the average efficiency of a ICE vehicle engine. So theoretically you should be paying 40X less to run an EV on a gas grid. Unfortunately grid distribution costs have skyrocketed due to all the idiotic wind & solar they have foisted on the grid to maximize the inefficiency of the grid as well as corrupt mismanaged utilities i.e. FERC, CISO, ERCOT & ISO-NE.

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