I just despair at this kind of news. Seems like those voters will have touch the hot stove and get burned. Sad that they are dragging the entire population with them, though. Hopefully we in the former colonies will choose more wisely come November.
Thank you, Irina. Britannia may no longer rule the waves, but they have the caves locked down.
The uniparty which considers it green to convert a coal plant to wood pellets from here in the States will pay the price for its apology for the Industrial (read 'energy') Revolution which freed the chattel from drudgery.
The Brit’s are entering a period of rapid decline of their standard of living. And the starting point before the ‘energy transition’ was not at a high point compared to the rest of the western world. The pattern of demise of all things in the British empire has been to lose ground and decline for decades. Without use of resources and industrial activity and agriculture, a country is destined to become an undesirable place - unless you desire poverty. How can a modern society move to desire this? By electing the wrong politicians and the inability to accept responsibility for their own actions. The welfare state can only exist as long as the industrial and agricultural output can exceed the drain of the welfare. This is what the ‘transition’ is about.
Well, there are people trying to make us desire a living standard normally associated with poverty, so the answer would be "Brainwashing". Hopefully, we're not totally brain-dead and will oppose the washing.
Well, writing as a Brit that escaped, none of this shocks me nor surprises, in fact it barely raises an overly abundant eyebrow. This is 'the plan' and there is no shortage of Sunaks or Starmers with low IQs willing to destroy a nation they barely like for a fistful of dollars. Keep up the great work Slav!
Pretty ironic that a political stalemate such as Bulgaria has had effectively protects their citizens from the type of destruction brought by the elected governments of Germany, GB, etc.
Absolutely. The irony is savage, especially since the ones most eager to take the reins of the state are the pro-EU puppets eager to start "distributing" those dreamy billions in transition funds the EU has promised.
Us benighted third-worlders are bracing for yet another influx of fleeing erstwhile first-worlders. We only ask that please, for the love of God, don't bring us your enlightened views that worked out so swimmingly in your own lands.
Time for states to demand greatly expanded powers from the federal gov't which is supposed to be subservient to the states. Declare control of immigration. And don't let anyone from California or New York in. Let them fester in their own cesspools.
Well, at the least, it would be nice if the 10th amendment was ever held to be a valid argument for limiting the feds. As far as I know it's never been accepted as an argument by the courts, making it meaningless.
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
The big mistake the founding fathers made is making the Supreme Court a Federal Institution, at least appointed by Feds. All justices should be appointed by and accountable to state governments.
I've heard this from others, too. Why do you think this is? Are they not aware it's their voting that turned California into the mess that made them flee or do they think This Time It Will Be Different?
That's a good question. I don't know the answer. I always think questions to which I don't know the answer are good for some reason...
I wonder to what extent it is simple party identity. I don't know it it's inherent human nature or trained in, but certainly we start training kids to identify with things outside themselves when we promote high school sports teams and such.
So, democrat in California. Democrat in Texas. Democrats having the more destructive policies at the moment...
Good post. Despite the disasters playing out elsewhere, New York State continues to rush down the same path. The NY net-zero transition law requires a biennial review of progress. (https://pragmaticenvironmentalistofnewyork.blog/2024/07/02/initial-impression-of-clean-energy-standard-biennial-status-report/) The recently released report admits that the meeting the electric grid goal of 70% renewable energy by 2030 is not going to happen, The proposed solution – build more resources, faster. Doubling your bet every time you lose is fine in theory but has so many flaws only politicians would consider using it.
Thanks, Roger. I am amazed NY politicians have actually acknowledged the 2030 target is impossible. I take it as a good sign of rudimentary sanity. Or I would've had you not added the doubling down part.
As a well known American comedian is fond of saying, "You can't fix STUPID!" Irina, best wishes on your country's government stalemate becoming permanent.
Never have I ever thought anyone would wish this on anyone else but here we are. D I thank you sincerely. As someone on X said, the fact that we've kept going for most of three years with no regular government hints we might not need one. Food for thought, certainly.
My thought when it looks like the US govt will shut down is always, good, no new expensive legislation meant to save us. We haven't had a bipartisan budget agreement in several decades! They spend all the collected taxes via continuing resolutions.
Elon Musk proved the point when he bought the very platform on which you read the comment. He fired 80% of Twitter employees and it continues functioning just fine. If a private company with a clear profit motive can do so then certainly 80%+ of the US Government is just useless fat. I think Javier Milei got the message and is further proving the point.
It's a paraphrase of what a tax inspector told me a long time ago, after I discovered I'd broken some rule or other. "But I didn't know about it!" was my feeble defence, to which she said "Ah, but ignorance is no excuse to break the rules."
Thanks Irina, the problem with Ed Miliband is that he is not capable of rational thought, (...or perhaps any thoughts - period). Now, Here in the UK we have what's referred to as a Labour 'supermajority'; heaven help us. I would emigrate but I'm 67 and fear it's too late, the lunatics are now in charge of the asylum.
I saw he's going to be climate minister and something inside me died. Not that it should've been a surprise but still. This circus is becoming a house of horrors.
P.S. A lot of British people around your age moved to Bulgaria in the past, what, couple of decades or so? I do hope you are not forced to do it, though. Emigration, to me, is the very last resort.
To add a little relish: on page 54 of the downloadable .pdf version of the Labour manifesto, in the section on ENERGY, there is an image of a politically correct "plumber" tinkering, not with a heat pump or the like, but a sink waste. His trousers lack knee pads and there is no sign of tools in the new tool bag behind him.
The great Labour landslide is actually a self-inflicted Tory collapse - Labour's share of the 60% of eligible voters who turned out was 34%, just 1.6% greater than in 2019.
I cherish your cheerful words ... ignorance is no excuse.
In truth, reality is nonjudgmental and the painful dish is served to all. I problem in the western world goes back far further than this election. possibly one of the greatest scams began when our expert class convinced the plebs that our society was now in the information age, that the industrial age was over. That's when the paper shufflers took over. and we sent industry overseas.
Reports on green transitions won't make a waterproof roof. For an economy to function, someone must build things. That wakeup call is still being ignored.
“ Heartfelt commiserations to the British.” Thank you. In the words of a famed TV character: We’re doomed. Doomed I tell ya!
Frazer, Dad's Army?
Yes indeed. The character was an undertaker too.
I meant it. I still have a soft spot for Britain, despite your ruinous politicians and the woke disease. Good luck!
I just despair at this kind of news. Seems like those voters will have touch the hot stove and get burned. Sad that they are dragging the entire population with them, though. Hopefully we in the former colonies will choose more wisely come November.
Thank you, Irina. Britannia may no longer rule the waves, but they have the caves locked down.
The uniparty which considers it green to convert a coal plant to wood pellets from here in the States will pay the price for its apology for the Industrial (read 'energy') Revolution which freed the chattel from drudgery.
“Freed the chattel from drudgery” I’m, stealing that. Good one.
The Brit’s are entering a period of rapid decline of their standard of living. And the starting point before the ‘energy transition’ was not at a high point compared to the rest of the western world. The pattern of demise of all things in the British empire has been to lose ground and decline for decades. Without use of resources and industrial activity and agriculture, a country is destined to become an undesirable place - unless you desire poverty. How can a modern society move to desire this? By electing the wrong politicians and the inability to accept responsibility for their own actions. The welfare state can only exist as long as the industrial and agricultural output can exceed the drain of the welfare. This is what the ‘transition’ is about.
Well, there are people trying to make us desire a living standard normally associated with poverty, so the answer would be "Brainwashing". Hopefully, we're not totally brain-dead and will oppose the washing.
Rue Britannia.
Well, writing as a Brit that escaped, none of this shocks me nor surprises, in fact it barely raises an overly abundant eyebrow. This is 'the plan' and there is no shortage of Sunaks or Starmers with low IQs willing to destroy a nation they barely like for a fistful of dollars. Keep up the great work Slav!
Thank you, doing my best. It is rather sad to watch, though.
Pretty ironic that a political stalemate such as Bulgaria has had effectively protects their citizens from the type of destruction brought by the elected governments of Germany, GB, etc.
Absolutely. The irony is savage, especially since the ones most eager to take the reins of the state are the pro-EU puppets eager to start "distributing" those dreamy billions in transition funds the EU has promised.
Sadly, the British should know better. Labour plunged the country into dark despair once before. Will there be a Thatcher to fix the mess?
They have a Nigel Farage to fix the mess.
He'll be jailed first. Just wait.
Us benighted third-worlders are bracing for yet another influx of fleeing erstwhile first-worlders. We only ask that please, for the love of God, don't bring us your enlightened views that worked out so swimmingly in your own lands.
The same goes for Texas. Californians move here, then immediately start voting for the same stupidity that turned the land they fled into a cesspit.
Time for states to demand greatly expanded powers from the federal gov't which is supposed to be subservient to the states. Declare control of immigration. And don't let anyone from California or New York in. Let them fester in their own cesspools.
Looks like the site is getting spammed while Irina is away...
All cleaned up now but impersonating me is unforgivable.
Well, at the least, it would be nice if the 10th amendment was ever held to be a valid argument for limiting the feds. As far as I know it's never been accepted as an argument by the courts, making it meaningless.
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
The big mistake the founding fathers made is making the Supreme Court a Federal Institution, at least appointed by Feds. All justices should be appointed by and accountable to state governments.
That would be an interesting change.
I've heard this from others, too. Why do you think this is? Are they not aware it's their voting that turned California into the mess that made them flee or do they think This Time It Will Be Different?
That's a good question. I don't know the answer. I always think questions to which I don't know the answer are good for some reason...
I wonder to what extent it is simple party identity. I don't know it it's inherent human nature or trained in, but certainly we start training kids to identify with things outside themselves when we promote high school sports teams and such.
So, democrat in California. Democrat in Texas. Democrats having the more destructive policies at the moment...
That’s right!
Don’t californicate our Texas!
Well said!
Good post. Despite the disasters playing out elsewhere, New York State continues to rush down the same path. The NY net-zero transition law requires a biennial review of progress. (https://pragmaticenvironmentalistofnewyork.blog/2024/07/02/initial-impression-of-clean-energy-standard-biennial-status-report/) The recently released report admits that the meeting the electric grid goal of 70% renewable energy by 2030 is not going to happen, The proposed solution – build more resources, faster. Doubling your bet every time you lose is fine in theory but has so many flaws only politicians would consider using it.
Thanks, Roger. I am amazed NY politicians have actually acknowledged the 2030 target is impossible. I take it as a good sign of rudimentary sanity. Or I would've had you not added the doubling down part.
As a well known American comedian is fond of saying, "You can't fix STUPID!" Irina, best wishes on your country's government stalemate becoming permanent.
Never have I ever thought anyone would wish this on anyone else but here we are. D I thank you sincerely. As someone on X said, the fact that we've kept going for most of three years with no regular government hints we might not need one. Food for thought, certainly.
My thought when it looks like the US govt will shut down is always, good, no new expensive legislation meant to save us. We haven't had a bipartisan budget agreement in several decades! They spend all the collected taxes via continuing resolutions.
Makes perfect sense to see it as a positive thing.
Elon Musk proved the point when he bought the very platform on which you read the comment. He fired 80% of Twitter employees and it continues functioning just fine. If a private company with a clear profit motive can do so then certainly 80%+ of the US Government is just useless fat. I think Javier Milei got the message and is further proving the point.
Good point.
"Ignorance of facts is no excuse for believing the propaganda,"
Great summary!
Nowadays, the facts are pretty easily available, too.
I liked that phrase too. See my comment about 2 hrs after yours.
It's a paraphrase of what a tax inspector told me a long time ago, after I discovered I'd broken some rule or other. "But I didn't know about it!" was my feeble defence, to which she said "Ah, but ignorance is no excuse to break the rules."
Thanks Irina, the problem with Ed Miliband is that he is not capable of rational thought, (...or perhaps any thoughts - period). Now, Here in the UK we have what's referred to as a Labour 'supermajority'; heaven help us. I would emigrate but I'm 67 and fear it's too late, the lunatics are now in charge of the asylum.
Uhhh ... I'm thinking the asylum has been in lunatic control for some years now. It's only the basement dwellers have just taken over the penthouse.
You're not wrong there...
I saw he's going to be climate minister and something inside me died. Not that it should've been a surprise but still. This circus is becoming a house of horrors.
P.S. A lot of British people around your age moved to Bulgaria in the past, what, couple of decades or so? I do hope you are not forced to do it, though. Emigration, to me, is the very last resort.
"Transition trash"....Spot on alliteration. I may borrow that one from you.
To add a little relish: on page 54 of the downloadable .pdf version of the Labour manifesto, in the section on ENERGY, there is an image of a politically correct "plumber" tinkering, not with a heat pump or the like, but a sink waste. His trousers lack knee pads and there is no sign of tools in the new tool bag behind him.
The great Labour landslide is actually a self-inflicted Tory collapse - Labour's share of the 60% of eligible voters who turned out was 34%, just 1.6% greater than in 2019.
Iceberg ahead - pass the brandy.
I'll be frequently borrowing your iceberg comment. THANKS!
Thank you - you're welcome and I'm honoured. I fear we will both have more cause to use the expression than we might wish.
I cherish your cheerful words ... ignorance is no excuse.
In truth, reality is nonjudgmental and the painful dish is served to all. I problem in the western world goes back far further than this election. possibly one of the greatest scams began when our expert class convinced the plebs that our society was now in the information age, that the industrial age was over. That's when the paper shufflers took over. and we sent industry overseas.
Reports on green transitions won't make a waterproof roof. For an economy to function, someone must build things. That wakeup call is still being ignored.
Spot on, your remark about reality. And I agree, this information age crap was, well, crap.