I call the green fanatical dreams, Greenwishing. I enjoy your ruminations. .

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Excellent word!

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In addition to batteries not being as efficient in the cold, often times the battery management system will allocate some of the energy towards keeping the battery itself warm/cool to avoid the temperature related performance drop, contributing to further "wasted" energy. That's all before you turn on the heat which sucks a noticeable amount of the energy too. Definitely something to consider for colder climates.

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True. And yet Norway has the highest per-capita EV adoption rate. I've yet to come up with an explanation for that.

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Hi Irina,

How about “because it is the right thing to do?”

Not to put too fine a point on it, but this planet is a world created so that all of our spirit brothers and sisters can have a brief mortal experience and gain a body.

We are eternal beings engaged in a brief mortal experience.

The evidence refuting natural selection and randomness as the source for all of life is overwhelming.

If the earth is not random then we too are connected to something we can’t begin to grok.

Common hubris prevents humans from acknowledging the existence of God and intelligences greater than our own.


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Ironically from that country’s oil wealth.

FWIW though Norway is blessed with excellent hydropower resources making running the EVs quite clean compared to other areas.

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Yes, that and high per-capita income, but I was thinking about their weather, especially in winter.

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We all know that the climate alarmists are just trying to keep we unclean ignorant masses from the existential threats they have astutely discovered, facts be damned.

Until we power the planet with fairy farts, we face sure doom and destruction. I’m looking forward to the day they realize all of the carbon they exhale needs to be eliminated by their end.

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Lots of justifying and squirming by the greta goblins, now that the EV hook is planted.

But my question is: who or what is going to "bell-the-cat" or are we to live in this cognitive dissonance forever?

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Not sure about forever but as long as possible would be a sensible bet. People hate to be proven wrong.

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Great article, Irina! It's also one of my favorite/not-favorite of the green fantasies out there, as it's one that stands to impact our daily lives in a big way.

I'm a Mechanical Engineer with 35+ years of experience, mostly in Automation and Robotics, but also with a healthy sprinkling of Automotive thrown in over the decades.

My training allows me to step back and look at EV's as a whole, from procurement of raw materials to sales, and all I see is a lack of objective truth-in-advertising across the entire "industry".

While the motive ability of the vehicle itself is rather straight forward, the materials required to ramp up production are decades away for the market, as they're still underground, and does anyone think the greens are going to let 300+ new strip mines open to get them? Hardly.

The battery tech is relatively straight forward as well, but if I may wax American here, their performance sucks.

The real elephant in the room is the electrical grid's utter lack of capacity to charge the current <10% market share, much less a 100% load without shutting it down completely.

My biggest fear here is seeing the "We can't meet our Paris Agreement goals unless we take DRASTIC measures" language increasing in these studies now that they've realized that 1.5DC is unattainable, and just what said drastic measures might end up being.

I've long said the elites want us living in a 19th Century energy environment, and I'm already seeing them clearing the deck to make that a reality. By force, of course.

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Yes, the rising volume of the alarmism is very worrying, indeed.

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And given the cultish behavior of many adheren in high places, I expect them to leave coercion behind and resort to force in the very near future.

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Well, if the carrot doesn't do the job, there's always the stick. They already tested it and it did work.

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Indeed, Irina. We all witnessed how easily the world's population rolled right over for the draconian COVID measures, which was most disheartening, particularly here in the once freedom-fierce USA.

But, if our betters force the populations into a tallow candle-burning, no HVAC or reliable electricity existence, maybe, just maybe, the unwashed masses will rise up in response.

I fear we may get to test all these theories, (And More!), in our lifetimes.

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It really was disheartening, both in the U.S. and, shockingly, in Australia. I agree we may well need to go through everything but I try to focus on the silver lining, i.e. the result we can hope for.

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The wishcasting from Bloomberg NEF will continue, but the fact that these “clarifying the situation” reports are coming out from the industry itself is a good sign that reality is not entirely lost. This is more of a turning tide toward realism, albeit dressed up in “we’re all gonna die” language so they don’t get cancelled by the doomer kids.

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Or hedging against a backlash when the inevitable happens, so they (Rivian etc) can say "We TOLD you it wouldn't work unless we did A, B and C."

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Well done.

The bill is coming.

We agree wholeheartedly with the "wishes" and "facts" framing. As you'll see tomorrow. We think you and your readers will like the specific examples, too.

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Irina - where do you think Green Hydrogen will play their role?


P.S. this was a nice piece - I’m just hoping that minds will open on every side of the energy debates.

In your opinion, do you think the ‘haves’ are aware that, with our growing and ever-more-robust ‘Metaverse,’ the Common Earthling can organize themselves throughout the world?

This sort of thing has happened before.

We just stay tuned I guess. And do our little bit of course.

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Well, in Los Angeles, apparently, per plans. They just voted to convert their largest gas-fired power plant into a hydrogen one, to run on green hydrogen. What's $800 million for clean energy, after all. If it doesn't go into cost overruns, that is.

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Thank you for your commentary.

Talking about EV’s

Take a look at the recent WSJ article.

The world is upside down.

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