Good for you. Enjoy!!

As for me, I just drove the C8 Corvette from Tacoma to Denver along all the back roads through the mountains at the highest speeds I could reach under the circumstances. It was glorious.

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It does sound glorious! Good for you.

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Understood. Some backpacking, fishing in Lake Superior, and maybe my some bow hunting for venison. Enjoy and get some rest.

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Thank you! Good luck with the fishing and hunting. Bow hunting, no less. Impressive.

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Have fun! I am adding the battery backup to the house. Tried the TV / Cable Modem in the living room. Mysterious shut off after an hour….hmmmm

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Thanks, Greg! Keep me in the loop about your energy system, hope there will be no more mysterious shut-offs. Do you have enough sunshine?

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On average there is a little over 8 KwH production per day. Sometimes up to 18, sometimes Zero. I also use about 8 KwH a day on average. No way I can be self sufficient but I can increase my self consumption I hope to 60% - up from 30%. I ordered another 3KW battery so in case of blackouts I can have 24 hours of power by being careful. In summer probably all I need will come from the roof. Right now it is running two refrigerators all day and night.

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It really doesn't make much sense without storage, does it? And that even with storage one can't be completely self-sufficient is rather disheartening. But you're certainly right, the more self-reliant you are the better, always.

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Depends if you get paid for your feed back into the grid. In Germany they only pay about 6 cents now. I have a twenty year contract from 2014 with 16 cents guaranteed payment. The original PV installation (6500 Euros) will be paid for this year. Right now storage costs (batteries) are cheaper then previously and make more economic sense then previously. Amortization is still 10 to 20 years. It is now or never though I suspect. Batteries will go back up in price and will be hard to get.

I bought more for the peace of mind in possible blackouts. A larger PV installation then my 3 KW would help for self sufficiency. My 13 panels are only 250 watts. New ones are around 400 watts.

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Have a good vacation!

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Thank you!

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Geologic mapping in Santa Rosa Mountains near Palm Desert, California. Hot, dry, no pesky bugs, and very complex and interesting geology. Work but really a vacation. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o9EpWyemazTOfLNHDSEIHM114W3HAfvS/view?usp=drivesdk

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What a magnificent place! Enjoy! (I envy you for the bugs.)

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Have a wonderful break and shut your mind off to the outside world.... which you probably can't do or you won't be so good at what you do! Me, I'm having fun sparing with local officials over tax handouts to solar companies, you know the Irish, always love a good fight! Too hot down here in Texas to do much else. Go get those weeds!

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Give them hell (within reason, of course)! Too hot here for anything much most of the time, too, but sacrifices must be made.

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You deserve a break! Don’t worry I’m sure there will still be a lot more to write about when you get back... 😉

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That kind of worries me, to be honest. It's never good news. :D

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Bon yoyage

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Enjoy your time off. You’ve earned it!

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Thank you, Ken!

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Thank you!

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