Another exciting week is drawing to a close, allowing us all a chance to digest the most important events of the last five days, among them an amazing report from the IEA, more gas price cap discussions from the EU, an oil embargo, and two more price caps.
Interestingly, as the Australian Government announced this 12 month price cap,the NSW state government announced that the Narrabri pipeline was a critical piece of infrastructure. Santos are ready to develop this but its been delayed for various reasons. Mmmm reality biting ??? Someone explained to the Politicians that if the power goes off you are doomed. Mr Premier??
I mean, is it just a troll at this point? I can’t wrap my head around this as there must be at least a few people at the IEA that do understand energy right?
That's why I had to use the word hated to use. Cults are known for their rigidly dogmatic (excuse the tautology) narrative even when it goes 100% against reality.
Meanwhile in Germany we have a Dunkelflaut. Dunkelflaute is a term used in the renewable energy sector to describe a period of time in which little to no energy can be generated with the use of wind and solar power. Wikipedia. My 5 Kw solar system produced 1 KWh this last week. Total. Not last day. Normal in winter would be 3-5 KWh a day. 20 KWh in summer. This means the utilities had to provide me and millions of other houses 98% of their power needs without the aid of solar and wind. For over a week. And next week we have the same forecast with minus temperatures. Brown out warnings are now being discussed.
And nobody saw this coming because Germany is known for being such a sunny place in winter and the weather never changes in unexpected ways... Sorry, I just couldn't help it. I hope you get more sun soon.
Unexpected would actually be for the sun to shine in December. It is sad that the political system in Germany favors the ill educated to fill positions they would never qualify for in a business.
Bought a second propane canister for the generator ‘just in case’. Can always BBQ in summer with it…
Exactly. I live in one of the sunniest parts of the country and yet this month we had a two-week+ overcast spell, because, you know, it's December. It may not be freezing cold but it is dark and foggy and cloudy because seasons. It amazes me how decision-makers so pointedly ignore these simple facts of life.
We fixed an ancient gas lamp "just in case" although I really don't believe it will get to that here. Unless we start exporting all our power to Europe, that is.
My smart meter tells me im using about £140 of enrgy per week... and we're trying to be careful. I wish Baldrick was running the UK, he'd do a better job than the clowns who've blown up all our coal-fired power stations.
Interestingly, as the Australian Government announced this 12 month price cap,the NSW state government announced that the Narrabri pipeline was a critical piece of infrastructure. Santos are ready to develop this but its been delayed for various reasons. Mmmm reality biting ??? Someone explained to the Politicians that if the power goes off you are doomed. Mr Premier??
Sounds like a pretty timely explanation, if true.
I still cant make any sense of the IEA
They are stating things that are as false as saying the moon is made of cheese
Its not slightly false. Or up for discussion. It is flat out false. And, I'd like to think it is not staffed by total psycopaths so... what gives?
I mean, is it just a troll at this point? I can’t wrap my head around this as there must be at least a few people at the IEA that do understand energy right?
That's why I had to use the word hated to use. Cults are known for their rigidly dogmatic (excuse the tautology) narrative even when it goes 100% against reality.
The Beast of the East
I posted a reflection
right after
the gut-wrenching headlines
about the “worst winter
in 42 years,”
with 48,000 Brits
dying in winter of 2018.
1 in Irish 4 people
extreme energy shortages
from the same winter
poetic Irish are calling
“Beast from the east.”
The British and Irish
will likely suffer
from same energy poverty.
In 2022, many people
from both countries
face death.
Another torturous,
Bestial winter
without any sign
European energy sanity.
Steve Heins
Meanwhile in Germany we have a Dunkelflaut. Dunkelflaute is a term used in the renewable energy sector to describe a period of time in which little to no energy can be generated with the use of wind and solar power. Wikipedia. My 5 Kw solar system produced 1 KWh this last week. Total. Not last day. Normal in winter would be 3-5 KWh a day. 20 KWh in summer. This means the utilities had to provide me and millions of other houses 98% of their power needs without the aid of solar and wind. For over a week. And next week we have the same forecast with minus temperatures. Brown out warnings are now being discussed.
And nobody saw this coming because Germany is known for being such a sunny place in winter and the weather never changes in unexpected ways... Sorry, I just couldn't help it. I hope you get more sun soon.
Unexpected would actually be for the sun to shine in December. It is sad that the political system in Germany favors the ill educated to fill positions they would never qualify for in a business.
Bought a second propane canister for the generator ‘just in case’. Can always BBQ in summer with it…
Exactly. I live in one of the sunniest parts of the country and yet this month we had a two-week+ overcast spell, because, you know, it's December. It may not be freezing cold but it is dark and foggy and cloudy because seasons. It amazes me how decision-makers so pointedly ignore these simple facts of life.
We fixed an ancient gas lamp "just in case" although I really don't believe it will get to that here. Unless we start exporting all our power to Europe, that is.
God I hope Santa puts coal in my stocking this year...
My smart meter tells me im using about £140 of enrgy per week... and we're trying to be careful. I wish Baldrick was running the UK, he'd do a better job than the clowns who've blown up all our coal-fired power stations.
140 pounds a week! This is obscene.