Great take as usual, Irina! The Theater of the Absurd is in full swing in my country.
I've been following this case with keen interest myself, and this ruling was not unexpected. And trust that it will be appealed, likely all the way to the US Supreme Court, where it simply will not pass Constitutional muster.
Great take as usual, Irina! The Theater of the Absurd is in full swing in my country.
I've been following this case with keen interest myself, and this ruling was not unexpected. And trust that it will be appealed, likely all the way to the US Supreme Court, where it simply will not pass Constitutional muster.
For all his obvious failings, the one thing Donald Trump got right was the current SCOTUS, and it stands as the last bastion of hope and law in the growing tyranny that we all face here in the US.
The US left, however, is hell-bent on either expanding the SCOTUS, of doing away with it since it doesn't suit them, and the next election cycle may hold the key to its future.
The soft tyranny grows harder by the day, and not just locally, but globally.
Great take as usual, Irina! The Theater of the Absurd is in full swing in my country.
I've been following this case with keen interest myself, and this ruling was not unexpected. And trust that it will be appealed, likely all the way to the US Supreme Court, where it simply will not pass Constitutional muster.
For all his obvious failings, the one thing Donald Trump got right was the current SCOTUS, and it stands as the last bastion of hope and law in the growing tyranny that we all face here in the US.
The US left, however, is hell-bent on either expanding the SCOTUS, of doing away with it since it doesn't suit them, and the next election cycle may hold the key to its future.
The soft tyranny grows harder by the day, and not just locally, but globally.
Honestly, I don't see anything soft about it.
I hear you you. Sadly, you folks in the EU are a decade or two ahead of us here in the States, but we're trying our level best to catch up!
If Joe Biden wins a second term, we might just pass you...