I can't wait to listen!!!!!! Great industry thought leaders! What do Irina and Robert have in common? They both have been on my podcast! Way to go Irina!!!

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Thanks, Stu! It was an honour.

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Hard to believe it has been 2 years! I subscribed after seeing the first conversation you had with Robert and enjoying the no BS perspective.

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Time really does fly when you're having fun, doesn't it? :) With a jet engine, it feels like. Glad to hear that first podcast wasn't a total loss. I was constantly being distracted by my daughter who insisted on staying in the room with me and definitely wasn't at my best. :D

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I subscribed after listening to the podcast. What do you think of the Seymour Hersh reporting on the Nord Stream pipeline destruction?

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My opinion carries little weight because I do not understand the technical specifics but based on Hersch's reputation as opposed to the reputation of corporate media, as well as common sense and simple logic of the cui bono sort and the motive-means-opportunity triad, I'd rather trust him than the corporate media. It's been really disappointing how the media botched this: first it was Ukrainians, then it was Russians, now it's Ukrainians again. Please.

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Great conversation here, well worth the listen

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You have thrown my rap onto a new and exciting thoroughfare.

First, I thought, "Irina is a problem to me."

I grew up in the oil patch, so to speak.

My grandfather worked for CONOCO for 43 years.

My uncle Bill spent the last twenty-odd years of his career drilling the North Sea's Viking Reserve for all and sundry.

Uncle Dave started with Humble and retired from Exxon.

My mother was the lawyer for a family drilling and crude purchasing company that did most of its work in the American four corners area.

We were a close family and there were a lot of 'That's API' remarks made here and there, plus the inevitable toasts to the "27 1/2% Depletion Allowance."

Fast forward to today.

When you line up your guns on the mistakes of the day, if there is not smoking rubble left, there are enough holes that a sensible reader gives the topics under discussion a second thought. You can damn with faint praise and leave a dark cloud. Seriously.

I don't know if you have ever heard about the Black Panthers. One of the early leaders and most thoughtful of the group was Eldredge Cleaver (Soul on Ice).

"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."

I'm merely saying that you are an extremely astute woman and a knowledgeable specialist in one of the world's biggest sectors. The disposition of Energy.

Who owns the vast renewable resources and how the resulting electricity is distributed will have a material impact on whether 'the common man / woman' can fill the measure of their creation during their lives on the earth."

Call me an idealist, but I do not believe the dystopian story we are being told. As I see it, we are on the brink of a global Renaissance.

What nobody groks is the market does not want a new app or shoes or phone or sport.

They want to have meaning in their lives.

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Thank you, I appreciate this. And glad to hear I'm not a problem for you. :)

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My two favorite energy pundits, who have great senses of humor to boot. You two asked the definitions and questions that need to be asked, Robert and Irina. Don’t tell anyone where Sheboygan, Wisconsin is.

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and there is a transcript too....many thanks from a reader

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