here in the us there is very little educating going on in the entire educational complex -but a LOT of indoctrination is being done! and the standard for educational "excellence" isn't evil grades its "how do you feel about this" it will take some dark times to change this
You really do have it bad, I have to agree, from everything I've been reading about education in the U.S. It's similar in the UK, I gather. In our backwater it hasn't got this far yet, at least in primary and secondary education.
Dear Irina, concerning your very first question here - no, people supporting the energy transition are neither stupid nor evil. They have simply made a moral decision, which is to care about the welfare of future generations (and far away places) threatened by climate changed caused by CO2 released from using fossil fuels. This moral decision is then used by those in charge to put forward policies that aim to reduce CO2 emissions, with more or less success.
Less success because a) what people believe in and actually do are sometimes different b) just because you care about something doesn't mean everyone does and to the same extent you do.
So there's quite a gap between "Just stop oil" and "I just want to fly home to visit my family for Christmas".
So that's the dilemma we're facing in the energy transition. And more to the point - some are peddling a myth that this transition will be like the cave of Ali Baba - an unending, easy source of riches, employment and cheap energy. The problem is - whatever we do, the fight for the climate is detrimental to purchasing power.
Vehicle-to-Grid, as far as I saw any research into it, is just another dream. Neither the mass of the cars, nor the technology, nor the willingness of the people exists to make it work as a buffer to bridge periods of high and low electricity production. But the promise sounds so good...
No, that's not what is happening. Climate change or more accurately climate change alarmism is being used as an excuse to impose Draconian constraints on freedom & prosperity for the 99% while facilitating a massive wealth transfer to the 1%. These are at historic levels. And just continues the destruction of their invented 2008 financial meltdown, their Covid Plandemic and their Ukraine War/Russia Blockade invention. They are setting up a neo-feudal Totalitarian World Fascist State and Climate Change policy is at the core of that strategy. This is their "Great Reset", "you will own nothing" Dogma.
If they REALLY cared about climate change they would be pushing for a rapid Nuclear power build-out, which is the ONLY viable alternative to fossil fuels. They most assuredly would not be wasting vast amounts of capital on nutty wind & solar scams which have been a total failure. The fact that they are not pursuing rational carbon mitigation strategy, indeed doing the exact opposite of that is proof positive that Climate Change is just another invented crisis used to impose their Malthusian, anti-Democratic, anti-Equality, anti-Freedom Tyranny worldwide.
It is with much bitterness (because life's so cynical) that I have to disagree. They haven't made a moral decision to care about future generations. They care about themselves, literally. Remember all those stolen childhood and shorter future slogans? The chants that we're going to die in 10 year so these poor young people won't have a chance to get old? Nothing about future generations in that. They overwhelmingly do what they see is the trendy thing, which is to wail about how we're killing our planet. Remember the student protests led by Greta Thunberg? What's cooler than not going to school because you care about the environment? You don't REALLY care because that's a hard job that requires giving up a lot of comforts and very few people actually commit to it, but it's COOL. Same with all the other protesters, only taken further. I have always maintained and will continue to maintain that in their great majority these are people with so little to care about in life they have to create problems for them to worry about. Young people with no other purpose at this point than "Save the planet" as if that's the same as emptying the garbage bin, which is about as far as their understanding extends, hence my argument about stupidity and ignorance. It's not their fault they are being stupid, they weren't born that way. What they were robbed of, mostly by their parents, is a purpose in life, an interest that encourages seeking knowledge. And that's the saddest part of it all. The idiotic part is that politicians who should know better than an 18-year-old full of idealistic vim and vigour like most 18-year-olds are acting in exactly the same way.
I don’t think you’re being cynical & I have to say (no bitterness … 😉) that you make excellent points. Especially the very last one. There isn’t a lot to do about it, is there? We have the leaders we deserve…
That one's really hard to stomach, I have to admit. The only way I see is to keep voting until some better ones come along and in the meantime find a way to keep the incompetent ones accountable for their incompetence. Might work.
Its all about a transition to Nuclear energy from fossil fuels. Wind & solar energy have no place in the transition, they are and always will be a bit player. And as carriers of energy we will have to shift to electricity and methanol. It's pretty simple minded really. The big question is why are we not doing what is obvious and simple minded but instead what is idiotic and ineffective while being extraordinarily expensive?
This assumes that one is satisfied with the status quo. Me? Not so much.
We have entered a period in history when the foundations of our world and culture are changing.
I don’t believe there are simplistic answers. Maybe there are, but I doubt it.
The challenge is making the shift … obtw, are the utilities bellying up to the solar bar because of the money, the free feedstock for power plants, or what?
Yes they are both stupid and evil. They are the Malthusian, Club-of-Rome, bean counter Bankster, Psychopath Parasites. Pretty much useless at everything except causing Death & Destruction. They get their power from having been given the incredible gift of money creation and control over our money supply. Without that they would be nothing. Just incompetent Nutball Fanatics.
Instead they are using that vast wealth and incredible lust for power to expand their wealth and control to a World Techno-Feudal Totalitarian Fascist State. And their Malthusian Energy Transition Agenda is an essential party of their Great Reset, Green Agenda Strategy, whose primary goal is to facilitate a massive wealth transfer from the 99% to the 1%, a big expansion of what their Covid Plandemic has already caused. And furthered by the Ukraine-Russia conflict they created. Really sick, demented cretins.
"...The World Economic Forum's much publicized Great Reset heralds the end of human freedom for all but those at the pinnacle of the new social hierarchy that is emerging with billionaires and technocrats at the top, as the new techno-feudal lords, and everyone else as a surveilled and controlled neo-serf class. This is not the type of world you want live in...."
This Pivotal Moment - Episode 2 - Part 6 - The Time to Choose
"...For hundreds of thousands of years humanity has strived against adversity, overcome incredible odds, grown and flourished on this planet. We have not come this far to become mere cybernetic nodes in some soulless AI-driven digital prison. It's time to wake up, to stand together and reject the dystopian Great Reset agenda and then start building a more beautiful world in which human freedom is not sacrificed on the altar of the technocratic state...."
Freedom Lost: The Danger of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) Joe Rogan & Maajid Nawaz:
As Doomberg has often said, in the contest between physics and platitudes, physics is undefeated. The question is how many people will suffer because politicians only know platitudes and will have no answers when physics slaps them in the face?
Thank you.
You put into words my thoughts exactly.
My pleasure, Mike.
Wonderful, Irina. I suggest the answer to your question is "stupid, evil and existentially dangerous."
But then I check the media and see that there is no problem, so there's that.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you, Daniel. Existentially dangerous is an excellent way of putting it, yes.
here in the us there is very little educating going on in the entire educational complex -but a LOT of indoctrination is being done! and the standard for educational "excellence" isn't evil grades its "how do you feel about this" it will take some dark times to change this
You really do have it bad, I have to agree, from everything I've been reading about education in the U.S. It's similar in the UK, I gather. In our backwater it hasn't got this far yet, at least in primary and secondary education.
Dear Irina, concerning your very first question here - no, people supporting the energy transition are neither stupid nor evil. They have simply made a moral decision, which is to care about the welfare of future generations (and far away places) threatened by climate changed caused by CO2 released from using fossil fuels. This moral decision is then used by those in charge to put forward policies that aim to reduce CO2 emissions, with more or less success.
Less success because a) what people believe in and actually do are sometimes different b) just because you care about something doesn't mean everyone does and to the same extent you do.
So there's quite a gap between "Just stop oil" and "I just want to fly home to visit my family for Christmas".
So that's the dilemma we're facing in the energy transition. And more to the point - some are peddling a myth that this transition will be like the cave of Ali Baba - an unending, easy source of riches, employment and cheap energy. The problem is - whatever we do, the fight for the climate is detrimental to purchasing power.
Vehicle-to-Grid, as far as I saw any research into it, is just another dream. Neither the mass of the cars, nor the technology, nor the willingness of the people exists to make it work as a buffer to bridge periods of high and low electricity production. But the promise sounds so good...
No, that's not what is happening. Climate change or more accurately climate change alarmism is being used as an excuse to impose Draconian constraints on freedom & prosperity for the 99% while facilitating a massive wealth transfer to the 1%. These are at historic levels. And just continues the destruction of their invented 2008 financial meltdown, their Covid Plandemic and their Ukraine War/Russia Blockade invention. They are setting up a neo-feudal Totalitarian World Fascist State and Climate Change policy is at the core of that strategy. This is their "Great Reset", "you will own nothing" Dogma.
If they REALLY cared about climate change they would be pushing for a rapid Nuclear power build-out, which is the ONLY viable alternative to fossil fuels. They most assuredly would not be wasting vast amounts of capital on nutty wind & solar scams which have been a total failure. The fact that they are not pursuing rational carbon mitigation strategy, indeed doing the exact opposite of that is proof positive that Climate Change is just another invented crisis used to impose their Malthusian, anti-Democratic, anti-Equality, anti-Freedom Tyranny worldwide.
There is an increasingly obvious shift to centralisation in decision-making, in Europe at least, that's true and extremely alarming.
It is with much bitterness (because life's so cynical) that I have to disagree. They haven't made a moral decision to care about future generations. They care about themselves, literally. Remember all those stolen childhood and shorter future slogans? The chants that we're going to die in 10 year so these poor young people won't have a chance to get old? Nothing about future generations in that. They overwhelmingly do what they see is the trendy thing, which is to wail about how we're killing our planet. Remember the student protests led by Greta Thunberg? What's cooler than not going to school because you care about the environment? You don't REALLY care because that's a hard job that requires giving up a lot of comforts and very few people actually commit to it, but it's COOL. Same with all the other protesters, only taken further. I have always maintained and will continue to maintain that in their great majority these are people with so little to care about in life they have to create problems for them to worry about. Young people with no other purpose at this point than "Save the planet" as if that's the same as emptying the garbage bin, which is about as far as their understanding extends, hence my argument about stupidity and ignorance. It's not their fault they are being stupid, they weren't born that way. What they were robbed of, mostly by their parents, is a purpose in life, an interest that encourages seeking knowledge. And that's the saddest part of it all. The idiotic part is that politicians who should know better than an 18-year-old full of idealistic vim and vigour like most 18-year-olds are acting in exactly the same way.
I don’t think you’re being cynical & I have to say (no bitterness … 😉) that you make excellent points. Especially the very last one. There isn’t a lot to do about it, is there? We have the leaders we deserve…
That one's really hard to stomach, I have to admit. The only way I see is to keep voting until some better ones come along and in the meantime find a way to keep the incompetent ones accountable for their incompetence. Might work.
Eldredge Cleaver was a Black Panther. He said, "If you are not part of the problem, you are part of the solution."
Can we talk about how to solve the long term energy transition issue?
Its all about a transition to Nuclear energy from fossil fuels. Wind & solar energy have no place in the transition, they are and always will be a bit player. And as carriers of energy we will have to shift to electricity and methanol. It's pretty simple minded really. The big question is why are we not doing what is obvious and simple minded but instead what is idiotic and ineffective while being extraordinarily expensive?
This assumes that one is satisfied with the status quo. Me? Not so much.
We have entered a period in history when the foundations of our world and culture are changing.
I don’t believe there are simplistic answers. Maybe there are, but I doubt it.
The challenge is making the shift … obtw, are the utilities bellying up to the solar bar because of the money, the free feedstock for power plants, or what?
Yes they are both stupid and evil. They are the Malthusian, Club-of-Rome, bean counter Bankster, Psychopath Parasites. Pretty much useless at everything except causing Death & Destruction. They get their power from having been given the incredible gift of money creation and control over our money supply. Without that they would be nothing. Just incompetent Nutball Fanatics.
Instead they are using that vast wealth and incredible lust for power to expand their wealth and control to a World Techno-Feudal Totalitarian Fascist State. And their Malthusian Energy Transition Agenda is an essential party of their Great Reset, Green Agenda Strategy, whose primary goal is to facilitate a massive wealth transfer from the 99% to the 1%, a big expansion of what their Covid Plandemic has already caused. And furthered by the Ukraine-Russia conflict they created. Really sick, demented cretins.
The Men Who Own Everything, The Truth Factory:
This Pivotal Moment - Episode 2 - Part 3 - CBDCs and Universal Basic Income:
This Pivotal Moment - Episode 2 - Part 5 - The Real Great Reset
"...The World Economic Forum's much publicized Great Reset heralds the end of human freedom for all but those at the pinnacle of the new social hierarchy that is emerging with billionaires and technocrats at the top, as the new techno-feudal lords, and everyone else as a surveilled and controlled neo-serf class. This is not the type of world you want live in...."
This Pivotal Moment - Episode 2 - Part 6 - The Time to Choose
"...For hundreds of thousands of years humanity has strived against adversity, overcome incredible odds, grown and flourished on this planet. We have not come this far to become mere cybernetic nodes in some soulless AI-driven digital prison. It's time to wake up, to stand together and reject the dystopian Great Reset agenda and then start building a more beautiful world in which human freedom is not sacrificed on the altar of the technocratic state...."
Freedom Lost: The Danger of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) Joe Rogan & Maajid Nawaz:
I always knew that half of all people are below average. Recently I've decided that's a serious under estimate.
As Doomberg has often said, in the contest between physics and platitudes, physics is undefeated. The question is how many people will suffer because politicians only know platitudes and will have no answers when physics slaps them in the face?
I'm sure we'll get an answer before too long, given the speed at which platitudes are being pushed into physical territory.
Outstanding - Lisa loved the article as well!
Thank you. Give her my best!