Meanwhile, the Chinese, Indians, Russians and others are having a big old belly laugh watching the absurd pretzel logic of the west.

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And rightly so.

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I've been wondering how this insanity would play out. I am a car enthusiast and I read a lot of car magazines and blogs, but so far the entire industry herd has just been echoing the narrative that everything will be electric starting in 2035. Aside from the list of valid points you mentioned there is the whole question of the actual market for ICE cars as the deadly date approaches. What do to about buying a new car in 2034? Since those will be REALLY valuable as the pinnacle of ICE engineering and quality, how much will they cost? How many will be made? It's impossible to buy a car THIS year because of government-caused supply chain failures. There will likely be a real panic as the end of times nears. Cars (and here in the US, trucks) are a fundamental pillar of the economy, and people love them. Until 2020 nobody had seen this level of oppressive economic destruction and while the sheep are asleep in front of the tele, many of us do not expect this to go down without a fight.

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The internal combustion engine has been around for more than 100 years because it's genius. EVs that work have been around for a out 10 years, nowhere near enough to become the dominant mode of transportation in another decade.

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The only way it could be done is getting a load of local ICE convert shops setup that would take old ICE vehicles and convert them to BEV. A good shop can do a car in one day. You would use a smaller battery ~10-20kwh and a motor suitable for 30-40miles/day driving which covers most city driving applications. If you want a high quality BEV with >300mile range you will need to pay big bucks, so that would be for the more wealthy individuals.

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So... 300,000,000 ICE cars at one per shop per day is 300,000,000 shop days divided by say 1000 capable shops is 300,000 days to get the job done. That's 821 years.

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More like USA is 1.6M cars produced annually 90% ICE vehicles. And I should have said one car per stall per day in a shop. If you wanted to ramp that up, easy to have a 100 shops with 10 stalls per medium sized city. Good skilled jobs that actually achieve something productive. Say 300M/500k * 1000/day = 600k/day or 200M new EVs every year vs 1.4M ICE cars produced every year. I would say 200M/yr is a bit excessive.

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300,000,000 ICE cars are on the road today in the US. In a good year we build 15,000,000. I think many more than 90% of new vehicles are ICE. It's easy to say that you could ramp up to many thousands of ICE2BEV conversion shops, but there are a lot of barriers to that, not the least of which is that there is not even now enough lithium, cobalt and other minerals needed to construct the batteries needed today, there is not enough copper to build high voltage cables for the cars, there are shortages of neomidium, molybdenum for the motors, there is no factory capacity to build the hundreds of millions of motors, and there are many other constraints such as skilled labor. Even if there were enough of all that and the first 1,000,000 half-assed one-day homebuilt conversions were rolling out of the little mom and pop shops there would not be nearly enough electricity to charge them. There is not enough electricity in many parts of the world, including the United States, to keep the lights, heat and air conditioning on RIGHT NOW. Many states expect recurring blackouts THIS YEAR and California and Texas, two of the most populous are in trouble today. The grid can not manage 300,000,000 electric cars under any possible scenario, but ESPECIALLY if it is to be powered part time using "green" energy. I think my 821 years is not too far off.

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Sorry, I got bad data on US auto production. Realize I'm not advocating a rapid replacement of all ICE vehicles with electric. I don't see what the rush is since I'm no Climate Change Alarmist. I drive an ICE vehicle and have no intention of replacing it. But EVs are superior to ICE vehicles except for range which is only important for the minority of applications. So yes EVs will largely replace ICE vehicles which is quite doable but I usually go with a 40yr timeline. So in this case I'm just speculating on a method of replacing most ICE vehicles in a ~10yr window if they really wanted to - hint: they don't. What they want is destruction of the middle class including the ability to own a vehicle - remember "you will own nothing and be happy".

That's why I'm claiming using converts it can be done, if and only if, the government really wanted it done. Converts use far less material than new EVs. Copper, neodymium, lithium, molybdenum isn't a problem, at least if you don't waste those materials on wind & solar. The grid can easily handle that level of charging as long as it is done mostly at nighttime on baseload power. Of course you are right if they continue their policy of destroying the grid with wind & solar then yes it won't work. So in short, throwaway the useless wind & solar and a BEV conversion of light vehicles could be ~90% done in ~10yrs with a strong national effort (which ain't gonna happen). Just a fantasy but interesting to consider.

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Great article explaining the path to stupidity. Thanks!

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Why do we keep voting for people who make promises they won't be around to keep?

Nassim Taleb would say they have no skin in the game.

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Well, certainly in the US, election fraud is rampart, and continues after the disastrous stolen 2020 election. Voting machines are a joke, they are easily manipulated by the PTB. Other than that voter apathy & ignorance has been a big problem. In Canada, at least, people are starting to wake up.

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Our latest parliament/government was elected by a third of the voting population. Talk about apathy...

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Nah, U.S. 2020 election was not stolen. (Not sure why you bring it up here.) All the contested states but one (which had split Republican/Democrat control) had elections run by Republicans, validated repeatedly by said Republicans, defended repeatedly by Republicans and, ultimately, it is Republicans who resisted Trump's arm twisting of Republicans to get said Republicans to overturn the election they oversaw. Yet we still have endless Republicans complaining the election was rigged. It's insane.

I'm not at all happy with the energy policies of the Democrats, but PLEASE don't lump in election fraud with the very real issue of Democrat's crazy energy policies.

I'm an Independent, by the way.

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You confuse RINOs & UNIParty with Republicans. The same people who own the Neoliberal Democrats own the RINOs and Neocons. And those same RINOs made sure that the election could be stolen. I've seen the evidence, you haven't, it is overwhelming and absolute, the election was stolen. Watch 2000mules as an example. And the election fraud is very much part of the Democrat & RINO OWNERS crazy energy policies. Why do you think Republican Texas is following the same crazy energy policies, focusing on idiotic Wind & Solar farms while ignoring reliable baseload power? And Canada likewise with Tru-Doo. And Australia. And Europe. This is global, and you are a fool if you believe that the Bankster Cartel that owns the US Democrats Party doesn't also own much of the Republican party.

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Got it. Any Republican who ran and validated elections was a RINO (Republican In Name Only). That explains it. Trump's U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr was a RINO, as was his replacement Jefferey Rosen, as was the entire White House Counsel that wouldn't go along with Trump’s claims, as was Trump’s own Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency which could find no significant fraud, and so on. Even Trump’s own campaign team. He had to get rid of them and install Giuliani instead. But of course, Trump was right and they were wrong because they are all, you know, because RINOs!

And then there were the 59 out of 60 judges who all ruled against Trump’s election fraud claims, many of them appointed by Trump himself. RINOs!. And how about the conservative Supreme Court Justices Roberts, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Alito and Barrett–3 of which were appointed by Trump himself and they all voted against Trump’s fraud claims. More RINOs!

My point is that your “if they were against Trump, they were RINOs” argument is no argument at all. It is as hollow as the fraud claims you are defending. Please cut it out. It’s not good to mix crazy conspiracy claims with important arguments about our energy future.

As for the 2000 mules business–please learn statistics or brush up on what you do know. It’s a sham argument based on cell phone records and invalid assumptions about the number of times people passing by ballot boxes. Please! You can do better than that. Let this nonsense go!

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Nope, wrong. RINO, Neocon, Neoliberal, UNI-party this has been talked about long before Trump, by both the REAL left and the right. You're obviously a neoliberal and have bought into the Green Agenda along with your other RINO/Neocon buddies, who voted us into this energy nightmare. I could care less about Trump, he's a narcissist and blowhard. Complained about the swamp and surrounded himself with the most sickening of Swamp creatures including your hero Barr - the lying Bushite Deep State Bankster minion. Note the big $million book deal he got after betraying Trump and the American people, a book few people will read. And enough of the 59/60 judges crap, name one that didn't rule on jurisdiction, standing or procedural issues rather than actually doing a forensic investigation of the blatant electoral fraud, which wasn't just Trump, you don't know what you are talking about. This has gone on for a long time. Just look at Tim Canova how they stole the election from him and Bernie Sanders who defeated Hilary Clinton in the primary. Why do you neoliberals despise having 100% verifiable elections if you think they are so honest?

You neoliberals have had nothing but crazy conspiracy claims for the past 6 yrs, starting with Russia, Russia, Russia!!! And then your crazy QAnon conspiracy about the Jan 6 party. And your Whitmer kidnapping fiasco. Zero evidence. At least you get government funded investigations to the tune of over $100M for a conspiracy that a 10yr old would find laughable.

Read and learn, just a small sampling of the actual truth of well documented election fraud 2020:

Bill Barr, your hero:



The 3 Navarro Reports:


Some recent examples:
















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You wrote: "You're obviously a neoliberal and have bought into the Green Agenda along with your other RINO/Neocon buddies, who voted us into this energy nightmare."

There you go again: Now you are telling me I've bought into the "Green Agenda". Based on what? How about you quote something I wrote as evidence? But you won't because you can't. You live in evidence-free land, steeped in deep-state conspiracy theories.

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I don't. I'm sure you don't either. Yet those are the people who get elected because voters like sweet words and rainbows and unicorns, apparently.

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There is no logic to this, just as there is zero logic to shutting down perfectly good Nuclear power plants in the midst of a severe energy shortage. This is planned. This is "The Great Reset", currently touted by Klaus Schwab & the World Economic Forum. It seems pretty clear to me, they want a downsized economy, a techno-feudal society, an Aristocracy that runs things and an impoverished population. Cars, mobility for the vast majority will be too expensive and/or just not allowed.

And vaccines that are killing people, 40% increase in all-cause mortality among working age people. And who knows what long term effects those deadly vaccines will have. They're giving them to babies, for Christ's sake. Just sickening. And I'm suspicious that the ruling gang of Psychopaths are itching for some kind of major war involving Nuclear weapons and bioweapons, likely centered around Ukraine and/or Taiwan.

The option of leaving the EU will likely be no longer allowed or as has happened to Britain, you will just trade one level of central tyrannical control for another. This whole thing could be stopped if people would just wake up and take action.

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Well, it's been a while since eastern Europeans rioted, so maybe it's time to do it again. Won't be soon and it won't be pretty but it may have to happen.

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Let’s propose that they move the ban up to 2025. Then we can just get this monumental failure over with.

I’m saying this as a fan of EVs- but let’s get serious. 2060 would be realistic. That is to say nothing of the coming EU electric grid collapse in winter 2022/23...

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Dear Irina, just reflecting on your last sentence - the Ferrari exemption. You probably heard of the EU plans to slap some taxes on aviation fuel. The exceptions - cargo and business jets.


From this perspective it looks like the whole "greening" project is a big scam to rob the European middle class of its cash. Take for example the recent price increases in gas: the poor will receive state support to avoid "energy poverty", the rich with shrug it off, while the middle class will struggle to pay the gas, the electricity, the fuel bill, food etc.

And I'm not moaning about pennies - people around me report 2000-3000 euro increases on their fuel bills alone.

So when somebody says "nah it'll break up way before 2035" that's quite realistic. Something will have to give. my guess - it's the green agenda, at least the breakneck speed introduced since mid-2021.

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I wonder who are the advisers of those people!

Maybe they should go for a trip in India and understand why ICE can't go away that fast.

Finally, raw materials. There's just not enough mines online to provide all those nice raw materials to make society electric.

I think everyone should by a horse!

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This is a very good question. The answer, I'm afraid, is unpleasant. Yes, horses are beginning to look like a good investment for the long term. :)

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The only sane thing about this ICE car ban is that Trucks seem to be exempt from the madness ….. or maybe these geniuses simply forgot to include fossil fuel guzzling trucks.

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E-trucks are much harder to make mainstream. Battery size and things like that. A sliver of rationality.

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I agree.


The EU cannot be half-pregnant, cars not trucks, cars and trucks, what is to be?

Given the fuel-per-mile carbon footprint/emissions of trucks this is a relevant consideration conveniently forgotten about by EU policy makers (= politicians seeking short term votes).

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We don't talk about cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is taboo.

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