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Aug 19, 2022
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Depends on how harsh a winter we'll have. And the next one s well. But the government is already limiting the amount of firewood a household can buy, in one of the Baltic countries, I believe. They're limiting it to 3 cu m and 3 cu m is very definitely not enough for a whole winter.

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Oustanding article! Nobody talks about sacrificing in their life style to save the plannet, and politions print money (not their money) for the votes. All great points.

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Oh, yes, it's never "I will sacrifice my comfort", only "You must sacrifice your comfort", although, to be fair, Habeck said he's taking shorter showers, the martyr that he is.

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I am wondering if the people will accept the decisions to reduce the economic production (factories, parts of economy) in order to cut the energy consumption - that is, if they will accept unemployement at the same time with higher costs of living and so on. I am only curious what will be their choice as regards the Maslow's needs. It will be an interesting autumn and a long winter. Thank you for the article!

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Sharpen your pitchforks. Looks like we are going to need them soon...

The only question afterwards will be if the new lot of politicians is worse than the old lot?

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And what a good question this is.

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If even working people are having trouble paying their bills, I doubt a rise in unemployment will improve civic morale.

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Indeed! I am also expressing my doubt. :)

Thank you!

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All forms of energy are good. Vital in fact. Efficient abundant energy sources should be scaled immensely to accommodate demand from the masses, inefficient energy sources while still good should be scaled where they’re practical...just my opinion...great article!

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“It’s only for a little while”. 👌

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“ politicians pretending they haven’t done something embarrassing”. ✅

I’m surprised you insulted cats by comparing them to politicians.😉

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Cats are not easily offended, it's one of their best qualities. 😁

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The politicians behind these perpetual motion green tech ideas are either useful idiots or just stupid. Either way, the fossil fuel industry is benefitting from this energy crisis. The climate alarmist people are making big profits for the fossil fuel industry. Difficult to believe they are at odds with one another.

Irina Slav on Energy is a must read. Thank you Irina Slav.

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Demand destruction and supply disruption are tools for social and economic control. The global economy and financial systems (Petrodollar) are shifting (resetting) and controls are being exercised on essential "consumables" such as energy, food (stored energy), and _______ (name the derivative) to shift and control the emerging new world order.

It's not just a series of political errors and Green pressures, it's plans set in motion by competing powers to control what comes next - commodities; digitals currencies (including Carbon Credits); means of production; people (including reproduction and life expectancy); and profits.

Follow the money and see the forest before you focus on the trees (toilet paper, BTC, etc.).

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Maybe the politicians care more about the money they will personally gain from energy interests sucking up much more disposable income from the masses via the Great Reset than they do the votes of the fickle rubes who need to learn their proper place.

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This might be the case, indeed

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Great read, frustrating content.

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International rationalizations are currently like the Irish proverb: "If at first you don't succeed, deny you were even trying."

Your instinct is right, Irina. Energy sanity will finally infect the political class who want to stay in office.

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And this is my new favourite proverb. Thanks!

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Fantastic read! I wish every voter could understand this journey we all are on together, regardless of our political views. This is real!

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One way or another we will all understand where we are going. Then again, I see German media are now promoting the health benefits of cold showers and the government is already preparing a "far-right" narrative for any protests that may be coming their way, so maybe we won't.

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Excellent article! You describe an example of "Incoherence" stated by David Bohm (Quantum Physicist). Sensibility and coherence are two critical human archetypes you need to re-solve this problem.

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In most of the developed world, energy supply has been so good for so long that most people just assumed that it would stay that way. They forgot how essential fuel is for life.

Here in the 3rd world, people often spend a significant part of every day, looking for wood for cooking and heat.

It's easy to forget how important something is when it's seemingly abundant.

Many many people are in for a rude awakening.

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Well it energy is still abundant in the developed world and also very abundant in the 3rd world. Unfortunately we have a World run by Malthusian Rent-Seeking greed-crazed Psychopath Parasites who just despise plentiful energy, indeed plentiful anything. They love scarcity = profits and power for themselves. So we have in both regions, Artificial Scarcity of Energy and Food supply. Evil people. Evil.

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Great piece for those that accept real world limits of space and time.

We go on fighting paradoxically ideological extremes overshadowing day to day needs of living.

I find It difficult to point to a period where this paradigm was anything but the same.

Many thanks.

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Well, to paraphrase a favourite quote, you may not believe in physics but physics believes in you!

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We can live with one tenth of the energy we actually use, if only the financial system stops asking for interest on investments, the government stops increasing taxes. They are forcing increased production and consumption so as people pay the interest and taxes.

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I think the advertising industry did a fair bit of work about consumption, too.

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