Clean water which relies on chemistry, electricity and smart ideas probably should get a shout too

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Water, yes!

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Electricity powers our modern lives, without it, we wouldn't have lights in our homes and businesses, hospitals, airports, etc. Air conditioning and heating, appliances, clean water, I could go on and on. Basically, we would be back in the dark ages, exactly where some people want us. Though I do wonder, will there be some island where the overlords live and have electricity, food, power, jets? I don't understand how all this madness (I mean Utopia) is supposed to end....

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Well I would not have the career I’ve had. From a BSEE Degree in Power Systems from the University of Michigan (Go Blue) in 1980 to Steel Mill Startups in Argentina and Taiwan in the early 80s bringing a wife back to USA from Taiwan. To Construction and Startup of the Beaver Valley 2 (PA) and Riverbend (LA) Nuclear Plants in the Mid 80s to working at Indian Point 3 (they never should have shut it down) North of NYC from 87 to 01 to working in Renewables from 2001 to present where I currently concentrate on MV and HV equipment associated with Substations, Transmission, and Collector Systems. All because of my interest knowledge and now experience in Power Generation. If only more would understand the clear advantages of Synchronous generation vs asynchronous generation.

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Good point. Thousands of professions wouldn't be possible without electricity, indeed. We'd have to work the land but not by choice.

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Tough to follow up that story, Irina! Refrigeration for food longevity is one of my personal favorite uses for electricity. And lighting!

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More lives saved, come to think of it!

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well on the lighter side - although not essential - electricity aids the production of beer -wine- and spirits - which I use as a crutch to get through these times

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This is essential but as the daughter of a brandy maker I'd say spirits are made just fine with good old wood. We make our wine with no external energy input unless you count the manual labour of crushing the grapes. Not familiar with beer brewing, I just drink the stuff. 😌

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I think the best thing about electricity is not living an 18th Century existence, which is what our elitist overlords wish for we useless eaters, all in the name of "saving the planet".

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Part of me would very much like to experience the 18th century first-hand. The other parts, however, tell me "No running water, no contact lenses, no modern healthcare? Forget it."

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Indeed, Irina! Not to mention no HVAC, refrigeration, instant communication, or any of the modern trappings that we literally have evolved to need and expect. Macron's "The age of abundance is over" quote may come back to haunt him in ways that only Marie Antionette could sympathize with....

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We could not communicate on the Internet, we could not use any modern media (only printed books and penny press only) - all modern media (internet, mobile phones, radio, television) require huge ammounts of electricity, they cannot exist without electricity. Thank you!

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Let us not forget how the primary energy sources (fossil fuels) have transformed our civilizations. Perhaps one can make a documentary film on this just to highlight the fact the most of us in this blog have been able to live this long to enjoy these conversations. For example, simple teeth cleaning to avoid deadly infections, visit to emergency rooms, ant-biotics, hospitals, hot water for cleaning, etc.... have all given us a chance to live longer lives so that we can cherish one another as a human species. Without coal in the 19th and the early part of 20th century, most of our grandparents would not have survived and we would not have had this opportunity to experience life. Some humans have forgotten this vulnerability and fragility of human existence and our relationship to carbon-based reality. When I hear this constant demonization of fossil fuels, I hear this voice that says "it is time to throw away your older spouse or a reliable friend who loved you unconditionally and stood by you all these years to nurture and give you a life". This current elite arrogant behavior is not going to end well! Perhaps another century of suffering with deadly infections, early deaths, etc....will teach humanity to become more humble when dealing with the reality of energy sources.

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Reverting to pre-fossil fuel times would be peak stupidity but it seems some are pushing in exactly that direction.

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Yes, you are right - we are getting back to pastoral lives!

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Someone has! Watch Robert Bryce’s “Juice: How Electricity Explains the World”

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Irina - I would have thought that you knew. We moved from the purely hydrocarbon era (HE) to a blended Solar Hydrocarbon Era (SHE) on the first day of this decade, 1/1/21.

I love electricity because it is now abundant and becoming more so every day.

And because we are moving from scarcity (often artificial) to true abundance (hundreds and hundreds of twy forever, the nature of life will forever change.

You’ll like this last part … I think you will get it … we are moving from a man’s world to A woman’s world.

This is not just because of the HE 2 SHE transition, but the fact that we now have unlimited energy resources and according to the Hydrocarbon crowds Iron Law, that mean we have the potential for unlimited economic growth!

More if you are interested

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No. We were a fossil, biomass, nuclear, hydro era. And we will move to a nuclear era. Solar is a joke. Not even close to practical. We would collapse our civilization if we tried to run it on solar energy. Fantasy fools believe you can power an industrial civilization on warm sunshine and cool breezes.

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While the notion that "we would collapse our civilization if we tried to run it on solar energy" is true, as far as it goes, I am not suggesting that we do that.

Please note that I identified the new Solar Hydrocarbon Era as a "BLENDED ENERGY ERA" in which all available energy resources are used.

It will take all energy sources, working together, to meet the vast electrical requirements of future generations of Earthlings.

Why is everybody so cranky these days?

Fantasy fool indeed.

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It can be difficult to discern humor in written, on-line material. Especially if one has little time.

I disagree about needing all sources. Once you have nuclear, there's no point wasting resources on wind and solar. They require full, available back up at all times. If nuclear is the backup, there zero point in bothering with the wind/solar.

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I don’t understand the thought that we need “all of the above” energy sources. If we have abundant, dense, reliable, dispatchable energy sources, which we do for centuries to come, why would we “need” unreliable, dilute, random sources like solar?

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Hehe, I see the current brand of feminism is spreading far and wide. I don't subscribe to it, though, I like the 90s brand. Those were the times...

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Irina -- good to hear from you. Forgive me, but I wouldn't know the current brand of feminism from the 90s brand. What's the difference?

As far as I am concerned, this has got nothing to do with feminism, per se -- this is a natural progression. We have gone from a world that no longer is facing "scarcity" so "king of the hill" behavior is no longer held in the highest possible esteem.

Now that we have an abundance (of energy, everything else follows), the appeal of KOTH is slipping and GenAwe or Generational Awareness is on the rise.

What few grasp is that every last human is an eternal being, a spiritual being mortal experience that lasts, at most 2.5 hours. Then the veil of forgetfulness is removed.

We'll go back home, compare notes and see if we chased down rabbit holes after false Gods or if we sussed out the game and came out a winner.

You knew that, right?

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Electroshock therapy might be the best use for it after everyone goes nuts this winter...

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Good one!

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A good way to appreciate the benefits of electricity is backpack for a week in a remote area.

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Absolutely. A good idea for everything we've come to take for granted.

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What's odd is so many folks that I meet on the trail are convinced climate change will end the world and fossil fuels are the worst thing.

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Maybe they treat hiking as their duty in conserving energy? That's the way I would try to rationalise things.

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The invention of electricity has been a miracle for man and woman-kind for all the obvious reasons. Water, food, hygiene. It has been a lifesaver for most of us. Unfortunately, nearly 800 million people in developing economies still have no access to electricity. They are cooking in shacks with wood or dung and suffering bad air pollution and no lights. I have seen this first hand from my extensive travels to South east Asia and it is shocking to see how many people live. We are fortunate.

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It is shocking and it's even more shocking some like John Kerry want these people to continue suffering because emissions.

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The light bulb.

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The world without electricity for a month would revert back to the middle ages.

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And a month may be quite optimistic, too.

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Agreed. I was being a conservative.

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the ordinary developed world person does the realise the modern miracle that is "press a switch and electricity just comes on"

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They don't need to, so they don't care. Can't really blame them, there are plenty of other things to worry about. But some education at an early age would help, no doubt.

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From just an industrial standpoint. Welding. It was the solution to the majority of problems I encountered with oil and gas equipment.

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Much of what we do with electricity can be done without it. Think factory with long spinning shafts and multiple belts coming off the shaft driving machinery.

Electricity is a miraculous way of getting energy from where we liberate/collect it to where we need it.

Arguably, the digital age makes a whole new use for electricity -- no longer just a way of moving energy, but now the actual carrier of information in all its myriad forms.

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Absolutely right….just ridiculous as he flies around the world on a private jet. Kerry and TruDough take hypocrisy to a new level. Don’t do as I do, Do as I say. 🤯

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Electricity means we no longer have to rely on the pony express for communication.

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