Still waiting to see what sort of signs we should expect to see that indicate all these trillions are actually doing something more than just pushing molecules around the planet. There doesn't appear to any "scheme" to remove CO2 that can do it faster than we are spitting it out at present. Makes us feel good to see some sort of action, but how long will it be before we realize there is no payback? The focus needs to be on ways to keep it out of the air in the first place. The one hard data point from COVID is that the air cleared quickly when everyone was forced to stay home. I think the big thinkers are trying to come up with ways to make that happen again, except that the impact on daily life and the global economy has been devastating for many. It's not the jabbering we should be worried about, as it will induce disaster fatigue soon enough. It's the quiet part about how energy costs are going to rise to cover all this spending that we aren't hearing.

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Beautiful job, Irina. Most importantly, this will mean NOTHING in terms of impact upon the climate, even according to the U.S. EPA's own gauge of the relationship between temperature and CO2.

Which really ought to be the question of these people, no? Those telling us we must do this should be compelled to tell us what the temperature impact will be of their demands upon us. I'm reminded of the American H.L. Mencken's observation: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

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An accurate observation, definitely.

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“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.”

Charles McKay - Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

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The Velveteen Rabbit. It was loved so much it became real. Highly recommended for kids, both the book and the rabbit 🐇

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You have to hand it to them, they know how to go about achieving their objectives. Not controlling the weather or anything silly like that. But by using a nebulous, ridiculous goal to get laws changed and essentially force societies to accept their diktats, the plebs be damned. Rule Of Law is so 1980's. Welcome to Rule By Law

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I guess the question to ask Legal & General is how their enlightened portfolio has performed given the fact that energy led portfolios have massively outperformed lately. perhaps the cost comes from buying into the climate hysteria, not avoiding it

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Good question.

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As always, a very thoughtful and engaging post.

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Thank goodness easy investing is being fought in the US. It might not go away for good, but with poor ROI, surely the amount invested will naturally decline. The only way esg works is if the green companies participating in the scam get a secure promise from the government that they will be paid, even when they fail. I wonder how much money this would require. A trillion here, & a trillion there, & one day you will get to a quadrillion. At that point, paper money, if it still exists, might keep you warm in the winter if you have access to a stove.

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OOPS, esg, not easy, in the first sentence.

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Oh, what's another trillion for the good of the climate. I mean people. I mean the climate...

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I look at my neighbors still going around with their idiotic face masks and I try to imagine what oppression they would not bear, what terrible crimes they would not commit in the face of their all consuming, media induced permanent terror. It's boggling.

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Impoverishment of real energy while splurging $Trillions on renewable energy is a straight road to Perdition.

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"... however much it may cost."

Weimar Republic here we come.

("... however long it will take" is the mantra we also hear from Ukraine supporters about the Russia-Ukraine war. What do we see happening? The US itself is sending billions upon billions to Ukraine.)

Ultimately, the Environmental / AGW / Climate Change movement - whatever it's called - is all about the money. But, like Ukraine, it's a money pit.

The bigger problem is that governments' throwing around that kind of money - trillions - will cause hyper-severe inflation exactly along the lines of the Weimar Republic, only this time it'll be world-wide.

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Remember Stalin's "5-Year Plans" to force the industrialization of the Soviet Union and collectivize its farms?

Remember the millions upon millions of people who starved to death as a result?

Only this time, this is world-wide, not confined to one nation.

Ironically, we have been warned. The following passage is from the Bible, written nearly 2,000 years ago.

When he broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living being say, “Go!” I looked, and there in front of me was a pallid, sickly-looking [pale GREEN] horse. Its rider’s name was Death, and Sh’ol followed behind him. They were given authority to kill one-quarter of the world by war, by famine, by plagues and with the wild animals of the earth.

- Revelation 6 (CJB)

The CJB translates the Greek work chloros as "pallid, sickly-looking" but it actually means "pale green". It's where we get the word "chlorine", chlorine being a pale-green gas. Chlorine gas was one of the gases used in the gas warfare of World War I.

Thus, the use of "chloros" in this passage is not an accident.

Notice too the use of the word "authority" in "they were given authority", i.e., government. Of the four horses, the "pale green" horse is the only horse that is given that attribute.

And who is pushing the Climate Change movement but mostly authorities, i.e., government, government-like organizations, and academia.

Notice too that the rider of that horse is the only rider that is given a name, i.e., "Death".

We have been warned.

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To be fair, it hasn't spread across the whole world yet but our brave leaders are certainly trying to force this spread.

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Irina, Thank you raising the awareness. Sounds like "Inconvenient Truth" movie has recruited numerous volunteers for the Milgram experiment (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuMt8b4UrcI). This is incredible how media has become such a powerful tool after it was invented in 1440AD!

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I would encourage them to keep looking under the couch cushions- I’m sure we can find another 2.5 trillion per year in there somewhere.

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Good article! Reminds me of the classic spy flick with Michael Caine, "The Ipcress File" and the brainwashing scene.

In the meantime, let's close gas stations and restrict energy ala Louisville, CO:


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There's a saying (maybe the original was in French?) that you will not change a man's mind by reason if he did not arrive at his current position by reason. If that's true, then most of the true-believer climate warriors will not be moved by a process of rational discussion or scientific proof. That means developing a rational consensus on "climate change" has to concentrate on people who have not yet investigated the problem, or who are somehow open to facts, not fear. I hope you are reaching those people. Nice piece, BTW!

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No, the true believers do not care about facts and truths. Until they punch them in the face, I guess, but am not sure. Thank you!

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