Well, we are all going to find out soon enough. It's clear now that "The experiment must continue!" and so it will. If the deniers are right, boy will the alarmists feel silly! If the alarmists are right, well... too bad for the current ecosystem; the planet will of course be just fine -- it has grown a new one from scratch many times. But H. sap. may not be in it.
Well, we are all going to find out soon enough. It's clear now that "The experiment must continue!" and so it will. If the deniers are right, boy will the alarmists feel silly! If the alarmists are right, well... too bad for the current ecosystem; the planet will of course be just fine -- it has grown a new one from scratch many times. But H. sap. may not be in it.
The track record so far is firmly in favour of the deniers. Sooner or later, likely later, alarmists will be right, when the Sun explodes, which none of us would be around to witness and feel silly or vindicated so why bother with either, come to think of it.
Well, we are all going to find out soon enough. It's clear now that "The experiment must continue!" and so it will. If the deniers are right, boy will the alarmists feel silly! If the alarmists are right, well... too bad for the current ecosystem; the planet will of course be just fine -- it has grown a new one from scratch many times. But H. sap. may not be in it.
The track record so far is firmly in favour of the deniers. Sooner or later, likely later, alarmists will be right, when the Sun explodes, which none of us would be around to witness and feel silly or vindicated so why bother with either, come to think of it.
I presume you are familiar with Pascal's Wager? ;-)