Apr 19Liked by Irina Slav

The UAE had a similar storm 75 years ago. I'm willing to bet this is a 1 off event. It's also 29 degrees in mid April when it's usually 45. And the desert is greener than it's ever been. If this is climate change, please give us more

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Great. If anyone is looking for me, you'll find me under the table in fetal position:(

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Ryan Maue is one of the few rational voices on meteorology and climatology. According to him, cloud seeding would have had a negligible impact on the amount of rain.


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Apr 19Liked by Irina Slav

As we're fond of saying here in Oklahoma, if you don't like the weather, wait a few minutes, it will change. 🤘😎🤘

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Apr 19Liked by Irina Slav

I have been religiously following the weather for about 15 years now. I live in East TX and found GeoengineeringWatch.org which helped to explain some of our crazy weather—huge hail storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, drought, snow storms—and it is manipulated and has been for over 70 years. This ‘new’ project has been taking place in our skies for so long folks hardly notice. The ‘chemtrails’ have been a topic for folks all over the world for well over a decade. We are called ‘conspiracy theorists’ of course for pointing them out—the persistent spreading ‘contrails’ that blanket the sky and change the weather. Electro-magnetic cloud seeding was happening before the huge Houston flood a few years ago, this is documented (check weathermodificationhistory at climateviewer.com)

This new level of propaganda serves a Normalizing function—as if it’s new, isolated and experimental when it fact it has been deployed worldwide decades ago. The documentary ‘The Dimming’ is a good starting point for those unfamiliar with the history and direction of these atmospheric ‘tests’. Also consider document “The Weather as Force Multiplier: Owning The Weather by 2025”

“Weather As A Force Multiplier: Owning The Weather In 2025

1996 USAF paper about weather modification: "The purpose of this paper is to outline a strategy for the use of a future weather modification system to achieve military objectives rather than to provide a detailed technical road map."

Popular among conspiracy theorists.” Ah, the blessed conspiracy label as per usual!


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Apr 19Liked by Irina Slav

Being a weather forecaster is quite lucrative - spout incoherent blather and you are wrong over half the time but make more blather as to why usually that weather changed and then proceed to proclaim yet another forecast. And you get to keep your job.

What other profession would you keep your job being wrong most of the time?

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Apr 19Liked by Irina Slav

"Shouldn’t forecasts be more reliable than they were 20 years ago? Because it certainly seems that they aren’t."

They've had the same skill in forecasting for my almost 60 years of life on this here boiling planet, which is to say that after 72 hours, they have no skill at all.

And I point back all the way to James Hansen's stage-craft-y Senate hearing in 1988, where none of his dire predictions came true.

One can go back in time another 20 years and find the failed predictions of Paul Ehrlich and Rachel Carson, who are both still revered as climate icons anyway.

And letting these religious zealots actually tinker with our energy budget from the Sun? I'd say that enters the realm of Crimes Against Humanity.

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Brilliant. And oh so essential. Follow the reason in our Age of Unreason. Forget the science. It’s become alchemy.

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It’s obvious why the weather forecasts are so bad. Climate change makes it harder to predict the weather. Very simple. 😉

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Apr 19Liked by Irina Slav

The European Court for Human Rights ruling has caused quite a shitstorm here in Switzerland. Even the centrist parties are openly talking about pulling out of it altogether.

The very idea that the incredibly mild climate of Switzerland is unlivable for a few Omas is totally nuts.

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Apr 19Liked by Irina Slav

My father was part of the British Eighth Army in the Western desert during WWII. He didn’t speak much about the war, but told me few things about living in the desert (he hated it) and one thing he mentioned was “wadi”. A wadi is a wide, often deep channel in the sand formed during times of extreme torrential rainfall. The troops were warned not to camp or park vehicles to take a break in wadis as they could very suddenly and quickly become raging torrents of flood water.

So whether the Dubai flood was or wasn’t cloud seeding gone wrong, it certainly wasn’t climate change as such rain events are not uncommon in desert areas of the North Africa and it has been so for many, many years. That the flooding was so serious is most likely due to a lack of adequate storm drains - perhaps they need a wadi in downtown Dubai.

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Apr 19Liked by Irina Slav

I don’t know about you, but when I see the word experts in the corporate media I know that what’s next is reliably bullshit.

Maybe our NPR lady could help you understand how dangerous the truth actually is.

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Apr 19Liked by Irina Slav

Watch this movie. It's well done and long overdue.


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Apr 19Liked by Irina Slav

Irina, we must share the same synchronistic psychic plane-the thought has occurred to me that weather forecasting has not just remained the same in the past 20 years, but gotten worse. I’m still pissed off about a forecast 5 inch snowfall on Superbowl 2015 in America that dumped 2 feet on us. The forecast was in the morning of Superbowl Sunday too. I still have the screenshots. How is it possible to make a prediction that terrible? This happens on a regular basis now. Really puts faith in the current state of climate science, doesn’t it.

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Apr 19Liked by Irina Slav

Love the True Blood clip.

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The weather is the weather is the weather, also weather and climate are not the same, and humans tell lies.

But whatever, all the problems that humans have created come down to one thing over population, and if those from the Millennial Generation on don’t want to suffer from the same mistakes Baby Boomers and Gen X have created for you to inherit, and so to deal with, heed what Sam Mitchell says👇

Sam Mitchell at Collapse Chronicles — “There is ONE THING we can do to save the planet: Keep your pecker in your pants, and do not let your knickers down. Period. End of story. It will have the added benefit of phasing out coal to zero. Ditto for oil, gas, lithium, copper, cobalt, nickel, plastic, chemicals... I think you get my drift. This is not rocket science.”🤔

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