I will offer up the upcoming population explosion of cicadas for the leftwingnut libtards that want to drive us to alternative food sources. Let them eat bugs!🪳

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Why are we having a cicada population explosion?

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It's the convergence of the 17 and 7 year emergence cycle in the US this year. I remember the last one. Can be very loud! Probably very tasty fried! https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2024/01/26/cicada-brood-map/. come visit!

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Did not realize that - will be a noisy year! Bad when they get in the bedroom! They can eat a wool sweater quicker than blinking an eye... moth balls, this year! Hope they work!

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I do recall vividly the 2007 swarm. I offered a rescue ride to a Polish cleaning lady waiting for a bus near a forest preserve near my house. She declined politely and continued to swat the onslaught from the trees with the umbrella in one hand and the purse in the other. It looked like a martial arts exercise. Irina, entertaining post today, but I disagree on the buttocks. 😉

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Have you ever tried "Soylent Green"?

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Soylent Green is The Science!

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Heh, just a week or so ago I made a comment that the PTB were trying the remake of "Soylent Green" in the real world instead of on film. I thought it was just humor...


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Soylent Green, 1973, starring Charlton Heston:


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It's funny, isn't it, that in the age of dystopian movies that sell like hot cakes, no one has considered remaking Soylent Green. Yet, that is.

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Just like no one really considered blowing up a pipeline, until the book came out.

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Nothing surprises me anymore honestly

I'm waiting for the next headline "Nuclear war - is it really such a bad thing? Experts say nuclear winter may help offset the effects of climate change by mitigating global warming, as well as massively reducing global carbon emissions, rather suddenly"

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Bash, this is exactly what I was thinking today! To the letter.

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Our Malthusian Overlords are doing their best to provoke Russia into using nuclear weapons. So the conclusion is they welcome the opportunity to cause a big drop in human population. As they have said:

"Because of the sudden absence of traditional enemies, "new enemies must be identified."[2] "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."[3]

Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, 1991

"A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States. De-development means bringing our economic system (especially patterns of consumption) into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation "

John Holdren Obama Science Czar & Rockefeller minion

These psycho creeps would burn the World to the ground so they can rule over the ashes.

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Aw don’t be such a kill joy, we’re all going to die eventually, even the human race eventually so what better way to go than gone in a flash of bright white 100,000,000° Celsius light, and who knows in some parallel universe warring and thermo nuclear weapons might not exist, but the downside could be no anaesthetics or cancer treatments, just a thought🤔

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Their nuclear war will just be the warmup. The death blow will come from their bioweapons. Their Covid bioweapon was just an attention-getter.

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Surely a thermonuclear war would be the end of humanity and many other creatures, maybe some on the fringes might not die off immediately but they’re the unlucky ones as dust and vaporised earth along with smoke blasted into the atmosphere covering the earth in a thick cloud the vegetation would die off through lack of sunlight, and there’s the radiation of course. No I’d go for the flash of bright white 100,000,000° C light, no messing about with bioweapons, and of course the parallel universe is just waiting for me, bit like “Groundhog Day”🤔

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No it wouldn't be that bad, not even close. But it would be bad. The really dangerous part is that the current military belief in NATO is that Nuclear war would be and can be limited to a regional area, mostly tactical nukes. And that seems to be what they are deluding themselves about in Ukraine. These are demented, reckless creeps and do not represent humanity. They should all be fired.

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Aw, was thinking there might be a better life in life thereafter, just a bit sooner than I’d planned that’s all, still if you say death might not happen that quickly, maybe if there’s enough time we can get our sun lounges out and watch the fireworks till the end, you know bit tike the 1957 novel/film “On The Beach”, hope it’s not winter though, don’t like the cold🤔

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That result was Sagan's intentional lying to try to make nuclear war sound worse than it would be. Probably from good intentions, but I don't abide lying much.

A full scale nuclear war would kill a lot of people and might end modern civilization, for a while, but it would not even come close to killing off the human race. And the radiation is not nearly the hazard that the media and the NYT and the Rockefellers have worked at making it seem.

Still, not a good idea.

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When it comes down to; eat humans or burn a few more fossil fuels to make food....hmmm. I am not losing too much sleep over this scenario. I saw that article you reference on cannibalism and can't believe we keep reaching new heights of crazy. The de-growth movement is real. Its proponents underestimate the chaos that would ensue when people are hungry and in the dark. Their vision may be something like what is depicted in the sweet novel " A Psalm for the Wild Built". A post industrial society with few people left in the world but all peaceful and pastoral. It's a sweet book and I enjoyed it. The problem is what happens before and why would the after not be more Mad Max? Seems like we should not risk it.

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That world can only be peaceful and pastoral in a completely totalitarian system or, alternatively, regular heavy drug use. Mad Max is a lot more realistic scenario for such a world.

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Speaking of heavy drug use, have you read "This Perfect Day", where the drug use is not optional. I am beginning to think that that book is exactly what the WEF, et. al. are shooting for.

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No, I haven't, thank you for mentioning it. Drug use was not optional in "Brave New World", either, if I remember correctly.

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Cicada population explosion is due to natural processes and timing of their reproductive cycle.

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I’ll need a bigger oven. Whole new meaning to having a friend round for dinner. I wonder if the ‘obesity crisis’ is a conspiracy to fatten us up for the coming days of cannibalism?

“… have people learn to live with a lot less in terms of energy and food.” Didn’t we do that class for 200 000 to 300 000 years and people learned that that was poverty, and didn’t much like it? But we have learned we rather do like more energy and food and consumption. Once all energy came from Humans and farming was organic which is why continual hunger, famines, starvation, which combined with hard labour meant 40 years old was old age.

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Yes, we did that for all those years but at the time few knew a better life and now we have to go from good life to life of scarcity and that's ten times more difficult, of not more. This is why, I believe, there is this massive campaign to condition people scarcity is indeed better for them.

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You come up with the most interesting finds.... this one certainly tops the list - the reason I find it interesting is that all the nut jobs seem to have made their way to the internet and are now creating just a whole lot of diversion from the real issues in life, probably all funded by the creators of chaos. We know who they are and we won't mention climate!

Just the other day I saw a young girl give a speech to a crowded audience on how we should welcome those as you called it... "minor attracted individuals" pedophiles - into our society with open arms!

I am not sure which is more repulsive - glad I am not hungry or in need of deviant sex.

Thank god for an abundant world!

What year was "Soylent Green" written? 1966 - guess these kids today are starting to read... naaa.... someone on TikTok filled their heads with nonsense!!!

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Oh? Open arms, eh? I'll open my arms all right bit I'm not saying what I'll be doing with them after opening. :D

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yes - I have a pocket knife will solve that problem... works on calves or goats.... you hold them down, I'll do surgery!

As for supper - it's asparagus time here.... with a little side of trout!

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Sounds delicious!

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Michael Valentine Smith. Instead of a funeral, burial, or even cremation, everybody should have a community dinner for my memory, complete with soup .....the idea has been kicking around among the left for quite a long time.....


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Yeah, but in that story, the participants had super mind powers, so if they caught a disease, from cannibalism, e.g., they could cure it with a thought.

Also, that entire book, in my opinion, was an experiment by Heinlein to break his readers out of their accustomed trains of thought and get them to think. He did similar things in other books, which has gotten him accused of favoring incest, cannibalism, racism and probably a bunch of other 'isms.

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The shelf-life of climatism scare stories is shrinking rapidly. Perhaps, this is an extension of Biden's ingenious 'shrinkflation' concept. No sooner had climatists normed the initially shocking idea of eating bugs than they threw eating other human beings into the mix. That would seem to be about as extreme as one could get, but I'm sure they will think of something else. What could it be? Certainly not eating endangered species.

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I remember watching “Shark Tank” - a show where celebrity investors compete to fund a startup business/idea - a few years ago and a guy was pitching cricket snack bars.

Lo and behold, mark cuban got him a deal…


They’re definitely doing some window remodeling here in the US. Hopefully we’ll be the last of the west to fall prey to the crazies in Europe.

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I don't know, I hear children in Australia are getting insect flour snacks at school. You could the last, but as in "there's no one else to fall for the craziness" rather than "all the others are smarter". Sad world.

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I now have to wonder if the news of that prince among men, Jimmy Chérizier, known as "Barbecue" who leads the G9 Family and Allies coalition in Haiti has been making the rounds - to numb the senses of those who watch the goings-on in that island paradise called Haiti. Maybe some of those important celebrities who wore those iconic "Haiti is Great Already" T-shirts can get down there and show us how eating your fellow man ain't so bad after all. I mean, how much of a stretch is that from Nicole Kidman eating bugs, right?


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There was a video of a man eating the corpse of another in Haiti, yes...

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Subtly shifting the Overton Window.

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A frequently asked question on Tinder, "Do you eat ass," may become a dinner suggestion.

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:D :D :D Isn't language a wonderful thing!

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Many other posters beat me to the "Soylent Green" comparison, which in this case is life imitating art once again!

Is there nothing that the Warmistas won't stoop to in the name of service to Gaia?

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At this point, I don't think there is anything they won't stoop to.

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Such is the nature of cults, Irina, which is what they have morphed into.

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