Common sense 🤷 has long left the EU and some of their States governments. Not all of them, but most of them.
France has been going nowhere for about 40 years of 🤡 Socialism... Since Mitterrand exactly. Macron is slightly less bad.
If his "yes, but at the same time no, but yes, but no..." political 🤡 rhetoric to please everyone can be laughed at by French commentators 😁. Sadly in international affairs one cannot have the same kind of nonsense publicly advertised... Foreign affairs commentators are quick to see the flaw 🧐.
wow! that was irina on fire! great commentary and dead on honest - here is the problem -the army of self congratulating sycophant's keep winning elections and filling the vast governmental bureaucracies with their indoctrinated dullards! And to put that into perspective an acquaintance of mine who is a "true believer" says to me " your opinions have no value we are winning on all fronts" and she is sadly correct
I loved the accidental Con der comment. I also follow this other very bright lady named Velina Tchakarova. She has been discussing, since the Ukraine war started, a bifurcation of the world order. She calls it Dragonbear, and the fact that this would lead to a bifurcation in Europe. Velina predicted that the EU is headed to an angloshpere built around a US centered alliance and a French-German sphere of influence. Your article very neatly, as always, teased out this thought as well. As Xi said to Putin we are in the midst of change that has not happened for 100 years. Even Karl Rove in the WSJ said the same thing yesterday. Yet the western powers that be seem to be oblivious to the changes going on around them. As usual stimulating morning reads for us in North America. Thanks!
Both Europe & America & the other Western countries, i.e. Canada, New Zealand, Australia are now firmly under the control of the Davos Bankster Cult of Malthusian Psychopaths, with their 100yr plan hatched way back in the last century for a World Oligarchy, run by them. That's why they are so determined to bring down Russia with their Ukraine proxy war. If they can bring Russia into their fold, China can be strangled, and all other nations will be forced to subservience to their New World Order, as they called it.
I agree. The last vestiges of logic are gone. I had the hope of waking in a month or two to realize I'd missed something important. But that hope dwindles with each ministerial interaction.
One very BIG correction I would make to the otherwise excellent article: "..The only way to reduce energy dependence on the U.S. is to invest heavily in many other sources of oil and gas..."
They don't have anywhere near enough domestic oil & gas resources to invest in. And if they invest in pipelines to the Middle East, the alternative to Russia, they will still be subject to energy blackmail from unstable Kingdoms. From the fat into the fire.
Europe has one rational choice and only one. To start a rapid nuclear build, just as France did highly successfully following the Arab Oil Embargo. They replaced 88% of their domestic electricity supply and 50% of their domestic primary energy in 20yrs using archaic one-at-a-time construction methods. Nuclear is the only energy source with an unlimited supply and can power Europe essentially forever even using uranium from seawater. France which partially fuel reprocesses used 5oz of uranium per person per year for 1/2 their domestic primary energy supply. About $15 per person per year.
So what do we have, Germany doubling down, by shutting down its last 3 operating reactors. And South Korea is offering to build APR-1400 reactors in Europe for $3200/kw, that's cheaper than ANY other new energy source they can access. Of course Westinghouse is trying to sue them in the USA in order to block their sales in Europe. And the Idiots in Britain are building the ridiculous EPR1700 rip-off reactors. All because the crooks in the European court demanded they must build them. And Austria sued them, demanding the reactors be privately financed @ 10% interest vs publicly financed @ 1% interest.
Long-term, maybe. I was thinking about the short term, though. You can't just go cold turkey on oil and gas, if only because nuclear power plants take years to build. And then you'd still need the petrochemicals! My idea was more of a diversification into many suppliers in the classic eggs in many baskets approach.
We in the western world may be forced to be adults and make difficult decisions about mining for these materials at home (gasp). This might require chipping away at our byzantine lattice-work of environmental review processes, property rights, and obstacles from citizens groups. If we can't get these things done we either need to consume less energy or be more realistic about our net-zero goals.
Whenever I read one of your articles I realize that the whole world has NOT gone completely crazy and that there really is hope. At least hope for retribution.
This is your best article yet!
Oh, well, I can't take all the credit. It's the stars! :D Thanks!
Common sense 🤷 has long left the EU and some of their States governments. Not all of them, but most of them.
France has been going nowhere for about 40 years of 🤡 Socialism... Since Mitterrand exactly. Macron is slightly less bad.
If his "yes, but at the same time no, but yes, but no..." political 🤡 rhetoric to please everyone can be laughed at by French commentators 😁. Sadly in international affairs one cannot have the same kind of nonsense publicly advertised... Foreign affairs commentators are quick to see the flaw 🧐.
Keep up the great work 👍
Thank you!
wow! that was irina on fire! great commentary and dead on honest - here is the problem -the army of self congratulating sycophant's keep winning elections and filling the vast governmental bureaucracies with their indoctrinated dullards! And to put that into perspective an acquaintance of mine who is a "true believer" says to me " your opinions have no value we are winning on all fronts" and she is sadly correct
You know, I actually giggled while I wrote this piece. Its all so idiotic I couldn't help it.
On a more serious note I fear tour acquaintance is right... for now.
I loved the accidental Con der comment. I also follow this other very bright lady named Velina Tchakarova. She has been discussing, since the Ukraine war started, a bifurcation of the world order. She calls it Dragonbear, and the fact that this would lead to a bifurcation in Europe. Velina predicted that the EU is headed to an angloshpere built around a US centered alliance and a French-German sphere of influence. Your article very neatly, as always, teased out this thought as well. As Xi said to Putin we are in the midst of change that has not happened for 100 years. Even Karl Rove in the WSJ said the same thing yesterday. Yet the western powers that be seem to be oblivious to the changes going on around them. As usual stimulating morning reads for us in North America. Thanks!
Both Europe & America & the other Western countries, i.e. Canada, New Zealand, Australia are now firmly under the control of the Davos Bankster Cult of Malthusian Psychopaths, with their 100yr plan hatched way back in the last century for a World Oligarchy, run by them. That's why they are so determined to bring down Russia with their Ukraine proxy war. If they can bring Russia into their fold, China can be strangled, and all other nations will be forced to subservience to their New World Order, as they called it.
Mea Culpa - It was not Karl Rove but John Bolton's article in the WSJ. Sorry about that.
But a central committee of experts in the EU has it all figured out right? At least that is what everyone is told constantly.
Of course! They totally know what they are doing at all times and are prepared for all eventualities.
I agree. The last vestiges of logic are gone. I had the hope of waking in a month or two to realize I'd missed something important. But that hope dwindles with each ministerial interaction.
One very BIG correction I would make to the otherwise excellent article: "..The only way to reduce energy dependence on the U.S. is to invest heavily in many other sources of oil and gas..."
They don't have anywhere near enough domestic oil & gas resources to invest in. And if they invest in pipelines to the Middle East, the alternative to Russia, they will still be subject to energy blackmail from unstable Kingdoms. From the fat into the fire.
Europe has one rational choice and only one. To start a rapid nuclear build, just as France did highly successfully following the Arab Oil Embargo. They replaced 88% of their domestic electricity supply and 50% of their domestic primary energy in 20yrs using archaic one-at-a-time construction methods. Nuclear is the only energy source with an unlimited supply and can power Europe essentially forever even using uranium from seawater. France which partially fuel reprocesses used 5oz of uranium per person per year for 1/2 their domestic primary energy supply. About $15 per person per year.
So what do we have, Germany doubling down, by shutting down its last 3 operating reactors. And South Korea is offering to build APR-1400 reactors in Europe for $3200/kw, that's cheaper than ANY other new energy source they can access. Of course Westinghouse is trying to sue them in the USA in order to block their sales in Europe. And the Idiots in Britain are building the ridiculous EPR1700 rip-off reactors. All because the crooks in the European court demanded they must build them. And Austria sued them, demanding the reactors be privately financed @ 10% interest vs publicly financed @ 1% interest.
Long-term, maybe. I was thinking about the short term, though. You can't just go cold turkey on oil and gas, if only because nuclear power plants take years to build. And then you'd still need the petrochemicals! My idea was more of a diversification into many suppliers in the classic eggs in many baskets approach.
We in the western world may be forced to be adults and make difficult decisions about mining for these materials at home (gasp). This might require chipping away at our byzantine lattice-work of environmental review processes, property rights, and obstacles from citizens groups. If we can't get these things done we either need to consume less energy or be more realistic about our net-zero goals.
Great article Irina - keep the wit coming!
Thank you! The West is definitely in for a reality check. I think it may have already started.
The lunatics have been running the asylum for a long time. I'm filled with even more depression😂
Don't fill with depression. They're so ridiculous it's funny. :)
Whenever I read one of your articles I realize that the whole world has NOT gone completely crazy and that there really is hope. At least hope for retribution.
I feel the same way when I see you all reading my articles. :) Of course there is hope!