Sep 9, 2022Liked by Irina Slav

Great article Irina.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Irina Slav

My only troubling throught... If Russia is going ok the why have so many O&G execs been defenestrated or committed some other form of suicide ( 8 at last count) . 15bcfs a day of Gas down the pipes to europe is stranded unless other ways of moving it are found. Is it possible that these guys complained that they don't like this plan and were met with and answer from uncle Vlad . ?

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Irina Slav

This is why I love and support your writing. Bold and strong opinions expressed vividly.

I don't agree with everything you say but I love the way you say it, I respect your well-supported views, and I appreciate that I can constructively offer my own counter-perspectives too.

On Russia, I wholeheartedly agree. Europe was no partner to Russia and Russia doesn't need Europe, Europe needs Russia.

On Renewables, they are still a drop in the grid and an effect of the failure to plan and execute well. They are not the cause of the "energy crisis", they are a pimple on the ass of certain grid operators (like California and Germany) who have over-committed and under-planned for their integration. The move from 0% to 10% of the grid is easy, the move from 10% to 100% takes careful planning and decades to construct, or else it can and will result in systemic failures. Regrets are appropriate now because we should have planned and executed a sane and sustainable transition sooner; but we didn't. Now we are living within a moment where there is a crisis and our failures are more apparent than ever. Yes, we could run the world's economy on 100% Renewables 24/7/365, in good weather years and bad, forever. Or at least until the next ice age, which will come again too (geological time, which neither oil or Global Warming can ignore either). Its not the technology or the natural resources that we lack.

Point is, we are in a crisis, created in part by a failure to plan and in part by a Plan to Reset the global order. Russia and the Ukraine are part of the Grand Chessboard.

"There is enough oil and gas in the world to last us for quite a while unless our consumption spirals out of control." "Quite a while" is symptomatic of the problem. How long do we have to begin what before what ends? Quite a while before we run out of choices? Quite a while before we have to artificially curtail consumption growth by curtailing population growth or turning it rapidly negative (Plan B)? The failure to plan is a Plan to fail.

Thank you for your important contributions and the pleasure it is to read and reply them.



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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022Liked by Irina Slav

Maybe if NATO didn't continually push east to Russia's western border, which Russia said would not be tolerated since the Berlin Wall fell, maybe if Ukraine didn't kill tens of thousands of ethnic Russians in the Donbass, maybe if the U.S. didn't foster a coup in Ukraine, maybe if the West didn't steal Russia's central bank reserves, maybe then Vlad would be more accommodating.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Irina Slav

Brilliantly put as always and 100% right. I immediately commented on his article saying he was the one being absurd but it does make you despair as to whether our leaders will ever “get” that the energy transition needs to be measured and involve nuclear.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Irina Slav

Love (of the Green Dream) means you never have to say you're sorry.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Irina Slav

Your expose' of Birol' op-ed cuts like a knife. You expose the IEA as a propaganda arm for the WEF and its unsound strategy of subjugating energy security in favor of net-zero. When will the EU learn that impoverished nations will never reach net-zero?

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Irina Slav

The alignment and partnership of Russia, China, India, Brazil and Arab states is not to be underestimated. The EU’s arrogance and irrationality is tantamount to young children before they are taught to reason.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Irina Slav

Yes, I'm wiping tears, there is something inherently funny when your shredding poor Birol's arguments to chips. Russia may not be winning the actual war, but definitely has us Europeans worried on the energy front. And we wouldn't be in this uncomfortable (and cold) situation if we haven't systematically mismanaged the transition, letting go of baseload capacity and only partially replacing it with "non-pilotable" as they say. And yes, the best thing we could do now is to sit down and thing this through again - what do we want? and how's the best way to reach it, without setting any artificial limitations ("no nuclear") right at the beginning.

So this crisis may actually lead to some good. Not under the capable hands of our dear Ursula, who still lives in fairyland (based on her latest proposal to effectively cut the last remaining Russia deliveries).

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Irina Slav

Last paragraph is so much fun!

I hope they come down to earth as soon as possible. The Metaverse is bad for them.


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Frankly, I wouldn’t trust even a three day weather report from the EU Energy leadership. Their predictions are odiferous.


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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Irina Slav

Man that Fatih Birol is just impressive isn’t he? The transition narrative must be maintained at all costs, even if it means bald-faced gaslighting and shredding any and all credibility of his organization in the process.

My favorite line in the piece: “as anyone of questionable normality such as myself would know...”

I feel much the same, and I have awkwardly pulled up Electricity Map on my phone during many social gatherings to demonstrate France/Germany differences, etc. On a regular basis I want to shake people and say DON’T YOU SEE WHAT’S HAPPENING?!?

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Upbeat? I’d be anxious to read what you write on a downbeat day....maybe nothing, laying in bed, with no inclination to get up...

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Irina Slav

Irina great article and rebuttal, you better be careful they will censor you for stating verifiable facts.

I am banned from Financial Times for pointing out to an author his mistakes about modern monetary theory a year ago. Just like this putz, solar and wind will never replace fossil fuels or nuclear power. Until we can harness the suns power in another way and even then, clouds and winters will cause problems. The problem is those unelected officials of the West do not want to admit they goofed on the sanctions and prefer to sacrifice their populace's lives and this is sad. Those same politicians will not suffer at all the taxpayers got their backs.

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Irina Slav

I read that FT article this week and I had a feeling this might elicit a response from you, Irina. Excellent dissection of the word games politicians are smothering us in!

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Irina Slav

‘Like shooting fish in a barrel’ ….

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