Great Article! - ESG is a fashion term used, and there is no ESG without accountability. Accountability does not happen very often, and it seems like ESG is more of a marketing term rather than what it is meant to be. - Thanks for writing.

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Yes, t very much looks, sounds, and feels like a fad but it is a fad with potentially major consequences for everyone.

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It is marketing that will likely lead to bad investment of capital. I find it worrying that the banks are all for it as well.

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Right on! It is funny that BlackRock just announced last month that they are investing in Texas Oil companies and natural gas because of the COP26 and the Biden Infrastructure bill calling natural gas renewable. I think ESG hypocrisy just found a price tag.

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It is funny. Soon oil will be "renewable".

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It is funny to see these financiers pushing an agenda that was born dead. Stopping the use of 'fossil' fuels would be the translation of population reduction, there is no other available and safe form of energy to sustain over 7 billion people.

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Great article.

Just quick question. Do you see this to be extended to the shares owners. I mean brokers could start asking the portfolio managers to pick up shares with higher ESG scores. So far the demand now is from the clients.

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If the clients want ESG, they will get ESG, I expect.

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I actually think the upcoming energy crunch is good for the long-term unless it results in a war. It will force humans to use less energy (because they wont be able to afford to). This era will be seen as a the era of prosperity without limits (the rich will of course be able to still live that way, just the general population will have to wait 5-10 years before their next phone upgrade) haha

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If it's only the phone upgrades, that would be close to heaven. But we may have to cut down on a lot more than that. I agree it's good from a resource-conservation perspective but I've already been cold because I can't afford to be warm enough and I'd rather not repeat the experience. Now think about all those people who have never had this experience...

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