Being pro-transition and anti-mining is perfectly reasonable in the doublethink world of climate narrative. Here is the definition of doublethink:
noun: the acceptance of or mental capacity to accept contrary opinions or beliefs at the same time, especially as a result of political indoctrination.
But he's a WEF Young Global Leader graduate like his comrade, Mark Rutte in the Netherlands, who pursues similar insane policies like reducing gas flow from the huge Groningen gas field:
"...So, while the Poles are reopening lignite mines and the Germans are tearing down wind turbines to access old coal seams, the Dutch are reducing flow from Groningen even further, from 4.5bcm in the 12 months to Oct 1 2022 (oddly, the European gas year runs from October 1 to September 30) to 2.8 bcm in the following 12 months – a drop equivalent to 18 or 19 LNG cargoes. From a field with a recent peak well north of 50bcm, connected by existing pipelines to an energy-starved continent...."
every professor I talk to says - " diesel is dirty so if it goes away that would be a good thing" as they drive off for there usual 4 day weekends and leave their 12 hour work week in the rear view of their tesla
Complete madness. Not a 5 year old nor a mature scholar can well understand it. Though great chances are the 5 year old has much less malice, deceitfulness, and venom-if any at all- as a baseline for thought. The West is in the process of delivering a apocalyptic global chaos with not a semblance of reflection. It is in fact a mystical trance reinforced by similar wordings, actions-policies, and controls like the world only experienced with Nazism. Humanity must do more to fight, even at the risk of losing it all because what is at stake…is in fact all the really matters…and yes, a 5 year old can clearly see this.
"This is an image from Oakland, California, a state of twice the wealth of Germany. I very much doubt you could find anywhere in Germany looking like this. The irony of being one of the "wealthiest" places on Earth while looking like the third world."
Fact checkers have their role but there's something that rubs me the wrong way when they (or their editors) talk down to the readers with titles such as , "No, X Y Z"
Or the one you provided ("Diesel Crisis Continues – What 25 Days of Supply Means for Fleets") which was written by the same author on the 27th. If the fact checker meant to cite the second one (the one you cited) then it's quite a bit of a self-own on her part.
After all the second paragraph puts the entire fact check to rest:
"Diesel markets operate on a “just-in-time” basis – pipeline shipments arrive every few days, bringing enough supply to meet local demand in local markets such as Birmingham or Richmond. But a disruption forces markets to turn to inventory. US diesel markets tend to be comfortable and liquid when inventories are around 35-40 days; 30 days of supply begins to get tight. At 25 days of supply, there’s critically low fuel available when a crisis hits. Keep in mind, those inventories include products held at refineries and en route on the pipeline – so a large chunk of that supply is days or weeks away from the market where it will be consumed."
Not hard for the Great Reset crowd to manufacture some incident to create a severe crisis, like an opportune fire at a couple big refineries. What was with all those plane crashes and fires at food process plants?
They're asking for amnesty on COVID. Someday they'll probably ask for amnesty on the energy / climate file. But first I predict endless misery, pain and death. 'Twas ever thus.
Typical moron economics professor. Milk is not like diesel fuel. We can do without milk. There are substitutes. Diesel goes down the economy goes down. People starve and freeze in their homes. The stupidity or corruption of government managers. Ideally we would have a parallel fuel supply of methanol/DME which can substitute directly for diesel and gasoline, and is manufactured from natural gas, coal or biomass. But the PTB have a blockade against methanol just as they do against nuclear.
Environmental protester, likely wrong about the future, will never reimburse the world for all the astronomical damage they have wrought. Shakespeare wouldn’t be surprised this human behavior.
“If you think human beings are always rational, it becomes impossible to explain at least half of history.”
Bravo, Irina. You forgot to mention the G7 shooting the cows; theirs and everyone else's.
I did forget that! Thanks for adding it to the list.
Being pro-transition and anti-mining is perfectly reasonable in the doublethink world of climate narrative. Here is the definition of doublethink:
noun: the acceptance of or mental capacity to accept contrary opinions or beliefs at the same time, especially as a result of political indoctrination.
This capacity never ceases to amaze me.
In Trudeau's case it is the lack of any significant mental capacity whatsoever that permits the double think.
"drama-teacher-turned-cosplay-Prime-Minister" as Doomgerg calls him
He has referred to himself in very similar terms in one interview I saw.
But he's a WEF Young Global Leader graduate like his comrade, Mark Rutte in the Netherlands, who pursues similar insane policies like reducing gas flow from the huge Groningen gas field:
"...So, while the Poles are reopening lignite mines and the Germans are tearing down wind turbines to access old coal seams, the Dutch are reducing flow from Groningen even further, from 4.5bcm in the 12 months to Oct 1 2022 (oddly, the European gas year runs from October 1 to September 30) to 2.8 bcm in the following 12 months – a drop equivalent to 18 or 19 LNG cargoes. From a field with a recent peak well north of 50bcm, connected by existing pipelines to an energy-starved continent...."
I'm starting to think these WEF degrees are not worth the paper they are printed on.
I bet you have to study hard to get your WEF YGL degree. I wonder what they give them for homework.
The homework for tonight is to dress yourself for the 6:30 cocktail party.
Blackface optional, if you’re last name begins in “Trud” and ends in “eau”
every professor I talk to says - " diesel is dirty so if it goes away that would be a good thing" as they drive off for there usual 4 day weekends and leave their 12 hour work week in the rear view of their tesla
Well, at least they're not driving a diesel 4x4, give them that.
Their gasoline is delivered by diesel trucks.
But they probably charged the Tesla at home with a coal fired electrical plant :)
The coal fired generator requires a large train load of coal, pulled by diesel fueled locomotives, every day to continue operating.
Complete madness. Not a 5 year old nor a mature scholar can well understand it. Though great chances are the 5 year old has much less malice, deceitfulness, and venom-if any at all- as a baseline for thought. The West is in the process of delivering a apocalyptic global chaos with not a semblance of reflection. It is in fact a mystical trance reinforced by similar wordings, actions-policies, and controls like the world only experienced with Nazism. Humanity must do more to fight, even at the risk of losing it all because what is at stake…is in fact all the really matters…and yes, a 5 year old can clearly see this.
All the "transition" is going to do is replace OPEC with Sino-BEC, my attempt at a Chinese opec for batteries.
"This is an image from Oakland, California, a state of twice the wealth of Germany. I very much doubt you could find anywhere in Germany looking like this. The irony of being one of the "wealthiest" places on Earth while looking like the third world."
One simple observation -- When you mess with the market, it will eventually bite you -- pretty hard in these times.
What an enjoyable read this morning! Thank you! Diesel cows are going to be on my mind all day!
Fact checkers have their role but there's something that rubs me the wrong way when they (or their editors) talk down to the readers with titles such as , "No, X Y Z"
I find it a bit funny that CBS journalist cited the Mandfield piece, yet their link simply goes here
Not the actual article itself.
Apthorp on 10/31 wrote "What Does the Diesel Shortage Really Mean Anyway"
So is she citing that one?
Or the one you provided ("Diesel Crisis Continues – What 25 Days of Supply Means for Fleets") which was written by the same author on the 27th. If the fact checker meant to cite the second one (the one you cited) then it's quite a bit of a self-own on her part.
After all the second paragraph puts the entire fact check to rest:
"Diesel markets operate on a “just-in-time” basis – pipeline shipments arrive every few days, bringing enough supply to meet local demand in local markets such as Birmingham or Richmond. But a disruption forces markets to turn to inventory. US diesel markets tend to be comfortable and liquid when inventories are around 35-40 days; 30 days of supply begins to get tight. At 25 days of supply, there’s critically low fuel available when a crisis hits. Keep in mind, those inventories include products held at refineries and en route on the pipeline – so a large chunk of that supply is days or weeks away from the market where it will be consumed."
Not hard for the Great Reset crowd to manufacture some incident to create a severe crisis, like an opportune fire at a couple big refineries. What was with all those plane crashes and fires at food process plants?
They're asking for amnesty on COVID. Someday they'll probably ask for amnesty on the energy / climate file. But first I predict endless misery, pain and death. 'Twas ever thus.
Typical moron economics professor. Milk is not like diesel fuel. We can do without milk. There are substitutes. Diesel goes down the economy goes down. People starve and freeze in their homes. The stupidity or corruption of government managers. Ideally we would have a parallel fuel supply of methanol/DME which can substitute directly for diesel and gasoline, and is manufactured from natural gas, coal or biomass. But the PTB have a blockade against methanol just as they do against nuclear.
Environmental protester, likely wrong about the future, will never reimburse the world for all the astronomical damage they have wrought. Shakespeare wouldn’t be surprised this human behavior.
“If you think human beings are always rational, it becomes impossible to explain at least half of history.”
Thomas Sowell
What’s the diesel equivalent of cheese? I’m hungry.