Dear Irina -- Please reconsider your mistrust of chickens. They are wonderful. We now have seven. One keeled over and died. Another was eaten by a fox. I mourned their loss - really.
Naturally, I did not drop to my knees and weep, but they were a part of the life of our…
Dear Irina -- Please reconsider your mistrust of chickens. They are wonderful. We now have seven. One keeled over and died. Another was eaten by a fox. I mourned their loss - really.
Naturally, I did not drop to my knees and weep, but they were a part of the life of our home, and their presence was missed. As were their eggs! Really nice to take an egg out of a laying box and fry it up in a pan with some butter and salt and pepper. Yum!
We feed them with table scraps and chicken grains. I don't know abut the economics because I don't care. It is the right thing to do.
Insect flour? As a last resort? Yes, For baking a Christmas Stolen. No. My wife's pie shells?
Dear Irina -- Please reconsider your mistrust of chickens. They are wonderful. We now have seven. One keeled over and died. Another was eaten by a fox. I mourned their loss - really.
Naturally, I did not drop to my knees and weep, but they were a part of the life of our home, and their presence was missed. As were their eggs! Really nice to take an egg out of a laying box and fry it up in a pan with some butter and salt and pepper. Yum!
We feed them with table scraps and chicken grains. I don't know abut the economics because I don't care. It is the right thing to do.
Insect flour? As a last resort? Yes, For baking a Christmas Stolen. No. My wife's pie shells?
One must be mad to even suggest.
I know, chickens are great. I've outgrown my mistrust since my pecking incident.