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Sad but, unfortunately, very true. A lot of good things came from progressive movements but to date, the bad is threatening to outweigh the good.

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Just as 1960тАЩs & 70тАЩs liberals have turned into 2020тАЩs state enforcers.

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The "Peace and Love" theme was "one brief shining moment." By 1972, Joni Mitchell was singing, "must'a been a dream we all had." She didn't know she planted seeds in a garret, but that is another story.

The campus P&L mantra was short-lived, morphing back to "Power & Profit" after Kent State. Everything has stayed pretty much the same for half a century, and will most likely continue to do so until some voting block finally say to themselves, "I've had enough. This isn't right. We can do better than this."

Once people start to discover that they are all coming to the same conclusion, the world will move more quickly than the powers of the past will expect.

Yes? No?

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The US government has done such an effective job of creating basically equal dissent between republicans and democrats, and as a result both sides become even more entrenched with their ideology, that I fear their may never be a large enough voting block to change the status quo? At least I probably wonтАЩt be around to see itтАж

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Hi Mike,

I hope you will stick around. The respective interests of the status quo are so entangled that the system is crumbling. Still, although deeply flawed, it works and I will argue we can now afford to fill some of the more obvious gaps in lifting people to fill the measure of their creation.

Does that sound like something an idealist would say? You can bet it is. As a matter of fact, I am an idealistic patriot who advocate forgetting the past and building a better future.

This is a pivotal time. Events can unfold rapidly.

Once We the People understand the ramifications of moving into a new Energy Era, one in which having unlimited energy is a reality, the opportunities for the betterment of humanity are infinite. That might very well unite and inspire GenZ.

If that were the case, a rather interesting tug-of-war might be shaping up. The dominant mantra of the past has been "Money and Power" while the rising generation lean more to that one brief shining moment when the people of the USA and the world talked about Peace & Love. They (GenZ) seem more concerned with the issues of equality and how humanity treats the environment.

In 2015, I wrote "The next great frontier lies in the convergence of sustainability and generational awareness (i.e., balancing the need to extract resources from the environment with the equally important need to preserve a rich environment for future generations). That is the essential mandate for the 21st century."

The capitalistic system, as it is being practiced in America, does not attract their interest. It does not seem to be the way the want to live their live. I get it. I understand how they feel. The system has become flawed.

Here is just one example -- In 2013, the Edison Electric Institute, a leading DC-lobbying entity representing the interests of the utilities, published the following:

"Today, a variety of disruptive technologies are emerging that may compete with utility-provided services. Such technologies include solar photovoltaics (PV), battery storage, fuel cells, geothermal energy systems, wind, micro turbines, and electric vehicle (EV) enhanced storage. As the cost curve for these technologies improves, they could directly threaten the centralized utility model

[Source: Disruptive Challenges: Financial Implications and Strategic Responses to a Changing Retail Electric Business, published by the Edison Electric Institute, JAN 2013]

The term "public service" is now a joke; the king has no clothes.

GenZ is waiting for something really new to happen. It is a big mistake to underestimate the power of the rising generation.

Properly organized, they'll flip every election in every Democracy on the planet. It could surprise the hell out of the powers that be.


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