What’s the p-word? Populist? Progressive? Psycho?

These “pointy heads” are really out of touch I’m any case...

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Propaganda but I love all of your suggestions.

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Haha- too many naughty p-words!

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Yep! :D

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Who pays these people? And when do they become subject to fiduciary metrics?

As an American, I would like to see their communications under the Freedom of Information Act.

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We do.

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They all get funded by the private Banking Cartel. These psychopaths are Malthusians and are using the Climate Change invented Crisis to push nutty wind, solar, hydrogen and biofuel scams that they know very well will cause economic collapse and societal deprivation. I've warned people for 50yrs about the extreme dangers of allowing private control of our money supply and private money creation. It is the penultimate power. And they are now making their move to a World Totalitarian Dictatorship.

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When the cost of renewables was decreasing, it was a reason to increase spending on the deployment of them. Now that the cost of renewables is increasing, it is a reason to increasingly increase spending on them. No way to figure it out.

By the way, the EU admitted burning trees is bad for the environment. They only agree with obvious reality when they are forced to do so:


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There goes the Greens’ baseload “strategy”...

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Well, what do you know, when reality bites you in the unmentionables you're forced to acknowledge it.

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An actual satirical music album of all of this would be funny as hell.

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WANTED: musicians and songwriters.

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“And the beat goes on…

Take your pick: Sony & Cher or The Whispers

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Once a religion achieves dominance the herd will follow it like cows follow the farmer's truck. Apostasy is the action of individuals. It will take a storm to change many minds.

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I think this particular cult is a couple of cold snaps from breakdown. The problem with cults, unlike religions proper, is that they develop much more quickly. Religions take centuries to evolve. Cults normally last much shorter. At least I hope so.

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history is quite clear - real change comes through major crisis - at some point we will see a Martin Luther show up and galvanize "the people"

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Hello, Irina. I would like to translate your texts in Portuguese for my blog. They are very important for tensing this green fascism in which we are immersed.

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Wit, intelligence, and experience. You have them all, Irina.

It must be hard to watch the energy world of Europe avoid good economic development policies, while watching them create another flimsy rationalization for their continuing vision of green sugar plumbs dancing in their head.

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Thank you, Stephen, you're too kind. But yes, it is hard to watch and be unable to stop it.

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"Short term economic costs" = "We need a couple of billion people to die so that we can hit NetZero by 2050"

Seriously, they should just say the quiet part out loud

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Well, that would be impolite, wouldn't it?

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Khabib Nurmagomedov and Nikita Kucherov say Number One Bullshit ( cowpies can be used for fuel). Wrecking a good post, what about pig waste for fuel? No greenie has proposed the modest investment that would turn toxic lakes into anaerobic fermentation, use later when cooked...

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Irina, Wow! you’ve packed a lot in there, like Ladies and gentlemen, friends and neighbours, may I present to you the latest hit on the Climate Change playlist, following megahits such as “From Global Warming to Climate Change” and “We Don’t Actually Care about Trees”.

Transitioning away from fossil fuels is one thing which seems to be driving the herd, but do we need trees? imho that is the major place where the world went wrong. Destruction of forests has been happening for centuries, gradually and we don’t seem to notice just one tree.

And turning just one American tree into pellets to burn in Germany - who’s going to notice?

But on the economics, I didn’t get the message that Germany’s inflation rate was 45%, but the reasons are not surprising. Similarly, transitioning away from coal at $4/GJ for Australian anthracite to an electricity grid controlled by the “market” where the equivalent price for energy with increasing “renewables” and high priced gas can be tens of times higher. No wonder German industrial businesses are closing.

You were obviously fired up when you wrote your article and I don’t blame you for that. Perhaps the IMF need to infuse a few technical people into their team before they write a new memo.

I look forward to their next hit.

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That's my usual state. It's when I get calm and collected that things have gone really too far and too bad. :)

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Climate Change is primarily an indoctrination tool.

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The costs of Net Zero are far far higher than can be paid now. Whether they will theoretically be higher tomorrow is thus completely irrelevant. Since Net Zero is completely unnecessary and has no sound scientific basis is the first place the price of the policies based on this false narrative are even more irrelevant. It is simply something we should not be doing.

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