CO2 is essential to humanity- what don’t the “environmental hall monitors” understand

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Sep 5Liked by Irina Slav

It is clear that the leftist greenies are simply insane. There is no logic or reasoning that can justify the save the planet activists, and there is no logic or reasoning that can even discuss the fallacies of their beliefs with them. The leftists are seeking more power because they like power and control. They make bad decisions, but that’s consistent with their insanity.

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Irina, once again your excellent research, insight and wit leave me speechless for disturbing reasons!

As someone who highly values accuracy and reporting, this stood out in my mind --

“This article was amended on 5 May 2021 to change a reference to 200 million tons of cat waste to the correct figure - 200 thousand tons.”

Yes, 200 million or 200 thousand... what's the difference? Just three zeroes; and three zeroes when added up comes to zero; so the author feels that he can fabricate such figures in the original article and later add a 'correction' that few people will see. The initial damage is done with the first publication and the shock that the false figures engenders, and the author very well knows that.

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Sep 5Liked by Irina Slav

What's a factor of 1,000.....among friends?

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Exactly! It's not even remotely subtle.

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Sep 5Liked by Irina Slav

As far as I know the only significant CO2 sink on the planet is the oceans. The carbon is bound up in the calcium carbonate in shell fish, barnacles and coral. Of course this is inconvenient for humans who destroy reefs to create “islands”.

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“Reality is what you run into when you're wrong.”

Dallas Willard

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Let them chop....nature will grow them back faster. Their model of scarcity requires perpetual funding and warfare against the default mode of life on this planet: abundance!

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Good point.

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Sep 5Liked by Irina Slav

Thank you Irina. There is a health upside to all this: whereas alcohol or recreational drugs used to be needed to achieve near-complete detachment from reality, now one just has to read the news.

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Ha! How true.

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:D :D :D And we don't need standup comedy any more.

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Sep 5Liked by Irina Slav

As always a great article - and your tongue was very much in cheek on this one!

PETA is wanting more of the limelight I see, and I would be on their bad person/she/her/it list. My pets and horses are going no where! Wonder how much methane a horse emits - I can verify scientifically from personal experience when braiding tails - quite a bit.

Ireland - getting rid of their cows while they import their beef from Brazil... well that makes perfect sense! Offshoring is the name of the game these days! But given the choice Irish beef would be so much better - good green grass!

My dream of going back to Ireland to live if things got bad here in the US has been dashed. That dream of the little cottage on the cliff overlooking the Atlantic is long gone. They would burn me at the stake for being a witch for speaking out against the establishment! You can never go home!

Strange world indeed! Wonder what the average is of insane people to sane? Or stupid or not so stupid?

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Yes. I visited Ireland in the late 80s and have always thought it might be a nice place to retire to. Until these last few years. Similarly with Canada.

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I'm really sad for the Irish farmers and for what's happening there in general. Same with Canada and the UK -- once upon a time a dream relocation destination for Eastern Europeans and now I couldn't be happier I stayed here.

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Sep 5Liked by Irina Slav

Maybe governments around the world should remember what Mike Tyson said: “Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face.”

Around the world, reality is punching governments and activists in the face, and it SO entertaining !

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Yes, and they keep taking the punches and looking for more fight with reality.

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Sep 5Liked by Irina Slav

I know! People should just stop working cuz clearly moving around in any way produces carbon dioxide exhalation and emissions by vehicles. That way when there is no more money to fuel these nutters think tanks and grants for stupid experiments maybe the totalitarians will fucknoff and leave us alone since all their time will be needed for foraging for fuel and food for their own basic survival.

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Excellent idea!

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Sep 5Liked by Irina Slav

Carbon dioxide: bad. No carbon dioxide: good. Conclusion: Kill yourself to save the planet, whoever "he" or "she" is. This is self-sacrifice for the sake of self-sacrifice.

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NO ONE will come and take my dogs away. They won't make it through the door.

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Take my dogs, was a little angry.

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I can relate. I was more than a little angry when I read that stupid story from the Independent. There was another in CNN, too, but I didn't want to raise people's blood pressure too much. It is an ongoing campaign against mammalian pets.

I have a better idea: have all those anti-pet individuals sacrifice themselves for dog and cat food. It's a win-win.

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A fabulous idea.

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If we cut all the trees down, there won't be any wind. It's obvious that wind is caused by the trees flapping their branches. Proof -have you ever seen any wind when the trees weren't waving their branches?

That's why there's no wind on the moon - there aren't any trees on the moon.

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Is that like the traffic circles causing tornadoes?

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Sep 5Liked by Irina Slav

Thanks Irina, absolutely brilliant as usual! Your articles should be compulsory reading for our Westminster MPs.

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Thank you! As for your compulsory reading suggestion, I'm flattered but I wouldn't want to outrage anyone. :D

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Fine piece again, Irina. Love your style! Brave New World isn't it?

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Thank you! Yes, Brave New World, indeed.

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At some point "we" need to move on from throwing verbal rocks at each other and figuring out what is going to actually work. It should be apparent by now that the 3/4 of the population who doesn't live the Western lifestyle isn't going to be content with being told that they aren't going to get there. It should also be apparent that the hydrocarbons we are pulling out of the ground continue to contain less and less carbon as they are skewing toward natural gas. That means in simplistic terms that the amount of energy they generate via combustion is falling. Including combustion to make electricity. Somehow this reduction in energy output has to be offset in addition to increasing supply for economic growth. It's going to take all energy sources if we insist on allowing Big Data to continue to harvest and mine our data as well as have individual automobiles in the future. The EU and to an increasing extent, the US are giving us clear examples of what isn't going to work, unfortunately, wasting a lot of money in the process. But, what are we putting forward as an alternative - status quo?

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On a per weight basis, more H and less C in a hydrocarbon means it has more energy, not less. Of course, gas is much less dense than liquids, so more H and less C might contain less energy per unit volume, but that's almost meaningless unless one defines what pressure is being discussed.

Anyway, to your later question, the solutions are simple and already proven in the real world. But they don't require radically reshaping the economic systems and would allow folks to continue living comfortably, which seems to be completing unacceptable to the powers that be.

1) Convert electricity generation to nuclear.

2) As extracted hydrocarbon fuels become more expensive, begin synthesizing hydrocarbon fuels using the technique created by the US Navy around 2014. Analysis puts the cost of a synthesized gallon of gasoline equivalent at about $5 - $6. More than now, but comparable to 2015.

There is zero need to change our transportation infrastructure and fuel distribution system.

Synthesized fuels using this method are carbon neutral as the component carbon comes from CO2 which was dissolved in seawater (or any convenient bucket of salt water you happen to have laying around).

The process is, of course, powered by nuclear generators.

3) Convert ocean freighters to nuclear, although they could continue to run on synthesized fuels.

4) Change the highway/rail subsidy/tax system so that intercity freight moves to rail from trucks. Electrify the rail lines as nuclear power substantially penetrates the grid.

5) Ignore all the crap about cow farts, fertilizer, pets, and the bogus cherry picked studies about cats killing birds.

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I suggest we start by acknowledging what doesn't work and stop funding it. I know, it's too much to ask for.

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