
Another clever, super article. I will promote your essays with many people.

What country do you work from?



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Thank you very much, John. I'm in Bulgaria.

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I suspect you need to be a little clearer for the "brain trust" folks ... by "weeding" you mean removing, not smoking, right? ;-)

Also, given the huge amounts of "organic fertilizer" (aka male bovine fecal matter) the Energy Transitionistas have been dispensing, we might need to cut back...

As you know, common sense isn't all that common.

Another great piece. Thanks!

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Hahaha, I didn't think about that potential misunderstanding. I did mean removal of weeds, yes, not smoking certain plants. :D

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Europeans better pray for another mild winter

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I'm not sure. A mild Winter saves them from the immediate tragedy of millions of folks freezing to death, which is good.

However, it appears that nothing less is going to shift the EU from their insanity. If a freezing Winter is the only thing that can stop the insanity, then the sooner over with the better, because, in the mean time, folks may not be freezing en masse, but plenty of small scale tragedy, death, poverty and discomfort is issuing forth from the EU's dementia.

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I really hope there are no fatalities and I don't think there will be, but I do find a certain amount of physical discomfort potentially useful. It clears the mind and reminds us what the important things in life are, namely, the ones at the bottom of Maslow's pyramid. The sooner this happens, the better, as you say.

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They'd better, yes. I won't be joining them, however. Mild enough down here anyway.

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Irina on target again. The EU needs a total rototill, even discriminate weeding will not do the job

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At the very least they need a lot of RoundUp

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Unfortunately the bobblehead gardeners used large amounts of BS instead of common sense, and here they are. You never cease to amaze me with your humor. Each post brings your readers another classic Irina observation. "And that’s how the energy transition killed comedy. It’s just funnier." 🤘😎🤘

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It really did and don't think I'm happy about it. :D

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As always, a pleasure to read your evisceration of the boneheads who are in charge of European energy policy

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I do feel a bit like a butcher sometimes...

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I feel heartened that Northvolt has decided to ask for more money to patch the hole in its Titanic. It is a testament of the Will of the Green Mind that the company can imagine plying it's trade in the important work of making batteries even as it's big boat is hurling every one of it's investor passengers into the water to die. You go, Northvolt! You show all those climate skeptics who's the boss.

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How evil. :D

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Thank you Irina! In paying tribute to your brilliance as a wordsmith, I thought you might appreciate the following thought: "Gautam Adani, chief of the Adani Group has been indicted on allegations of solar fraud and bribery." "Solar fraud" is a term new to me. When I saw the numbers, and knowing that the sun is a star (spectral class G2 V, yellow-white), I thought "stellar fraud" would be more appropriate and look better on his CV.

I hope that in due course you will have the opportunity to give further details to your subscribers of your dislike of the EU. In the Brexit referendum I voted to remain for the cowardly reason that the EU is a mafia-style protection racket and I had gathered things don't tend to go too well for those who cancel their direct debit to La Cosa Nostra. Now from across the Channel I can simply loath the organisation without constraint. You can blame the British for being an EU citizen: the British pushed for enlargement and won against the French, who wanted a more select club, run by them and funded by the Germans.

Mr Lynch might do better to dig up the pipeline and run it across Alaska.

"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need." Marcus Tullius Cicero

Thank you again.

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"Stellar fraud" is indeed much better. The Adani story is simply hilarious. I do hope it makes enough noise for some other investigations because I seriously doubt he was the only one doing this.

An excellent description of the EU. From where I stand, it has been more of a deal with the Devil -- first you get what your heart desires (free movement, easy work abroad, money for parks and science) but then the bills start coming in and they keep getting higher and higher.

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Thank you Irina - an interesting perspective.

This one has done the rounds, but is enjoyable anyway: https://www.instagram.com/chasingthesweetlife/reel/C4A05oZO1g-/

As I like to say, the road to hell is paved with taxpayers' money.

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Good one! I like it more than the version I knew, which ended with something like "That was advertising, this is the actual trip."

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Or "Then you were a prospect, now you're a customer"!

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Northvolt and the Harris campaign appear to have similar operating principles!

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I like your style!!

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Great reporting-thanks for the enlightenment

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A nice roundup of another week in the asylum. Import emissions taxes - which are of course ultimately paid by the consumer, compounded through the supply chain if the imports are raw materials or components.

But… the cynic in me wonders whether this is just one more convenient protectionist mechanism to keep internal prices up to please the EU farmers and other industry sectors fallen on hard times because of the Green lunacy and the realisation that the EU is part of the World after all and has had to make new trade deals with other Countries which let more product in. In fact the French farmers have recently been throwing their toys out of the pram (they have infinite supply of toys to throw it seems) because of a new EU deal with the South Americans which will see increased imports of agri-products.

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The toys were subsidised.

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It's usually smart to keep farmers pleased but it's hard work and the EU is making that work even harder for itself, as usual.

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I think a key question for me is: "what does Greta think?"

She seems to have disappeared from the world stage for some reason....

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Busy on her fusion reactor.

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As David Blackmon suggested on Monday, she's grown too old to have the same impact. I also believe the media overdid the coverage of her every step and word, and nobody's paying attention to her any more.

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So we can at least thank the Lord for little things...

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Small mercies, yes. We should always be grateful for those.

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Worth the wait and what a way to end our week with your great posts. I started tongue-and-cheek quipping years ago that I felt like I was stuck in a Babylon Bee news loop...we are clearly not and the state of climate escapades is getting beyond humorous (emphasis on "getting", nowhere near there yet). Thanks again Irina.

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It's my pleasure. It has indeed become very hard to tell the Babylon Bee apart from legacy media.

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Wait, wait, wait - you mean to tell me that what Gautam Adani was doing is allegedly illegal? I thought western governments and their crony capitalist partners did this as a matter of course in the solar / renewables business...

Maybe it's just an accounting error in the books; and what is listed as bribes, extortion and fraud, should be listed in the ledger as political contributions, and marketing.

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I guess their accountant is just not that clever!

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Yeah, well, Adani must have been careless and not taken the time to dress it all in official terms.

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As Ursula sang "Come into the garden", Maud shook her head and said "Bog off you lunatic it's too cold".

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Common sense in short supply these days!

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