Mar 8Liked by Irina Slav

Well put, indeed! For folks who see through the nonsense of "we're in the era of global boiling!!" (for isn't that what the head of the UN bleated a year ago?) this is sad and funny.

If you haven't heard of Tony Heller, he has been railing about the nonsense for years - I like to send my hand-wringing friends to this video where he points out how by judiciously cherry picking the data those who wanted to convince the easily misled about this did the deed.


He takes the tongue in cheek approach I enjoy, but then underlying realities are not funny at all.

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Mar 8Liked by Irina Slav

Could not play the song, link not available in USA? What was it?

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Anything for a $ in LaLa Land!

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Mar 8Liked by Irina Slav

Great piece again, Irina! Spot-on, and remember, the whole Climate Crusade™ in the US began with a bit of stagecraft, when Enviro-Aware Congressional aides turned off the A/C inn the hearing room where NASA's Dr. James Hansen gave his 1988 "Hockey Stick" AGW presentation.

And for me personally, Hollywood could not only burn, but slide right into the Pacific and vanish from sight before I would even notice it was gone.

I haven't watched episodic TV since "Married with Children", and the only movies I've watched in a theater this century were the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy and "Dunkirk". Hollywood lost my interest long before they began to openly propagandize, and I think we'd all be better off without them.

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Mar 8Liked by Irina Slav

“Then I had an uncomfortable thought about the mental age of many millions of people that are biologically above the age of four but may not be above that age in certain cognitive aspects.” Alas - you are, in my view, correct. The infantilisation of the population. State dependency via welfare statism, always look to Government to solve your problems, others must provide what you don’t provide for yourself, State control of education and mollycoddling of children, protecting them from all imaginable harms so they do not learn by trial and error, don’t know how to evaluate and manage risk because they have never been exposed to it. And they have not been taught critical analysis and how to teach themselves. There is an extraordinary lack of curiosity and imagination among people these days. Nobody thought it odd that after 200 years of vaccine research and production and amid so many vaccine products there were, uniquely, no safe & effective vaccines for respiratory viruses, but within a matter of weeks one popped up by order of Governments. Then like good little children, they lined up to take matron’s medicine. Then shocked to learn these miracle products were neither safe nor effective.

Here in the UK at the end of commercials for gambling companies, we are urged to, “Gamble responsibly.” At the end of ads for booze, “Drink responsibly.” At the start of old programmes made in the 70s, 80s - “Contains language and views current at the time, which viewers today might find inappropriate.” Another, which gave me a good laugh, “Contains mild language.” I hope my language herein has been sufficiently mild, but “read responsibly”.

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Mar 8Liked by Irina Slav

That trailer for the series: "From the Writer of CONTAGION"

That is all I needed to know. Because, JESUS ... that movie. Did the CDC and WHO give him notes on that old chestnut?

At this point, I'm waiting for them to remake Soylent Green, but the WHO as the good guy and Heston's character as a "traitor" to modern society.

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Mar 8Liked by Irina Slav

You had me at the title. Speaking of indoctrination. In the middle of a 25 year career in O&G, I spent 10+ years teaching high school Math in a large, suburban Oklahoma high school. I loved the Math, but the pay was extremely insufficient. When someone would ask why I left engineering to teach, I had a stock reply. "Yes the pay is low, but I get to spend one hour per day with 125 kids, that believe everything I say." I never took advantage of that opportunity, to spew venom, stupidity, lunacy, etc. But it sure appears there are people more than willing to go there. Footnote - I subscribed to RS in the 70's. It ceased to be a relevant music rag in the mid 80's. It's been a print version of the MSM, NPR for decades. GREAT POST! 🤘😎🤘

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Mar 8Liked by Irina Slav

Apologies in advance if I offend someone, well, not really. My politics run right down the middle so , regarding the comment's about who believes this crap, there is an amble supply on the fringes of both parties of mindless drones waiting to be spoon fed. Whether it's the planet will burn to a crisp because you scrambled an egg on a gas stove, or you will forever burn in hell because you had sex with your wife for any reason other than making a baby. All this extremism on both sides is simply ridiculous

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Mar 8Liked by Irina Slav

The website! If I’d found that on my own I would have suspected the Babylon Bee was running a stealth operation. We cannot stand to watch the new TV and movie offerings. We are stuck with Northern Exposure, Adam 12, Have Gun will travel…which is great. I don’t think we are alone. Hollywood can only suck air for so long. They can’t be making money on this crap.

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Mar 8Liked by Irina Slav


Some suggestions for you from an old film hand (in a previous life):

Mini Series

A Spy Among Friends


Short Film (Anime)



Full-Length Feature

Once Upon a Time in the West


Happy hunting, and keep up the great work,



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Mar 8Liked by Irina Slav

Maybe there's a copper lining in this cinematic insanity. As an ancient observer, I well remember "The China Syndrome," a 1979 disaster thriller based on the premise that a nuclear reactor could melt down and keep melting to the core of the earth, all the way to... you get it. The film got lots of attention, but everyone except the little kids knew it was absolute bullshit. In retrospect, this film marked both Peak Nuclear Hysteria and Peak Jane Fonda. On the dark side, it still took fifty years for people to start discussing new nuclear power investments. Today's climate change hysteria is bigger and stupider than the anti-nuke frenzy, but we have better giant slayers today (like Irina) than we had back then. So keep it up, Irina; let's kill this beast.

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Mar 8Liked by Irina Slav

You and Mr. Blackmon do an excellent job bringing the sick propagandists to the public's eye.

I thank you for your desperately needed efforts. Hopefully, the masses can see this crap for what it is.

"Then I had an uncomfortable thought about the mental age of many millions of people that are biologically above the age of four but may not be above that age in certain cognitive aspects. Because they have been subjected to indoctrination from Hollywood and TV for years."


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Mar 8Liked by Irina Slav

I'm not sure whether to thank or curse you for sending the link to that trailer, which is truly epic. fortunately, I don't have Apple TV so will never be able to see the whole thing.

At the same time, I agree that there are an increasing number of cracks in the facade of the climate hysteria, and ultimately, as energy prices rise and it becomes clear that it is these policies that are the driver, there will be changes in a positive direction. Until then, see this for the comedy it really is. If we only still had Mystery Science Theater 3000 still, it seems movies like this are best viewed through that lens

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Mar 8Liked by Irina Slav

Honestly the mental/emotional age of a large segment of the adult population here in the states is a range of 14 to 22. Their brains are frozen in time and trained to think emotionally more than rationally. An intentional result created by our public education system. Which has now infected almost all schools both public and private.

Movie suggestions in no particular order and none important but entertaining.

1) Fall of the house of Usher - Netflix series

2) Kung Fu Hustle

3) The entire animated Avatar series - Netflix (watch with kids, yours preferably)

4) The extraordinary attorney Woo. - Netflix series

5) The Last Kingdom - Netflix

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The entire premise of the climate change and transition propaganda is based upon a prediction of a coming crisis.

Every day is a new day that the crisis has completely failed to materialize. The predictions about sea level rise and the polar ice caps melting and all arable land turning to desert, are getting to be very, very long in the tooth.....in fact almost the only zealots they still have are those who are too young to remember how long ago Al Gore's movie came out......

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