Thank you for another illuminating post.

"Dunkelflaute" truly.

We need out of these doldrums!

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My pleasure. Indeed, we do.

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How disappointing that reality continues to intrude upon the illogical aspirational goals of the green zealots. 🙂🙂

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And nobody is talking about leftist favorite - digital currency and bit coin mining - which uses as a favorite fuel natural gas. The bitcoin miners in the oilfield burning abated to generate electricity for another unneeded ‘thing’ being pushed in the background to all other greenie initiatives.

The inflation reinvigoration act will come under attack as the realization stupid is just that - stupid.

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Say what you will about Bitcoin, but its fans are anything but “leftist”- most are quite to the right on economic matters and are an object of constant hate from Sen E. Warren and her benefactors in the NGO complex.

I think you may be conflating Bitcoin with CBDCs which are a nakedly authoritarian play by the left to try and control how people can spend their money.

Neither of these will be a significant part of the demand growth when compared to AI though…

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Rationalista - no confusion with CBDC. It’s my experience with bitcoin- those contacting me to buy stock and those running bitcoin mine processing (not those putting together the gas powered generation) center. My experience is that it’s not by any means dominated by conservatives.

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Oh priceless tales of the completely expected. Here, the temperature right now, at almost 9pm, is over 90 degrees and my beautiful electric fan is whirring at my ear. Sadly, power failures are still very much a thing in this region though with less frequency as the years progress, so the thought of a powerless break caused by a severe spate of Dunkelflaute does not fill me with excitement nor yearning for a life in simpler times.

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I am shocked. :D It's too easy to recommend fewer showers and less energy consumption when you've never experienced any of this first-hand.

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My best schadenfreude comes from profiting off governmental and investor stupidity maximus.

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As it should!

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The bobbleheads Math never seems to add up. Where is the new Math when you need it?

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that new math is racist, that's why they don't use it...oh wait a sec, it's the old math that's racist, and apparently the old math is a climate denier too!

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Crude oil futures on the CME have been for years and continue in backwardation, meaning that the marketplace believes the IEA when it predicts declining demand. As I write, crude for the next month is at $78.84 but crude for December, 2026 delivery is going for $68.62.

Maybe some of the liberals have their money where their mouth is. Maybe they actually short those outlying contracts.

You can laugh, or you can buy crude for December 2026. That seems to me to be the opportunity.

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Yes, "it all makes perfect sense", of course

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Dunkelflaute is undoubtedly one of the best words I have heard. almost onomatopoetic and so clear in meaning and sound. it also ties nicely with dumkopf, as a description of Energiewende!

so many smiles from this heading into the weekend, thanks Irina!

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My pleasure, Andy! These are all beautiful words, indeed.

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There is nothing like watching an institution, IEA commit suicide by totally ignoring its root reason for existence ... accurate energy analysis rather than social engineering.

But particular to your closing thoughts about coal ... when ROI, return on investment, is the consideration, green energy smells like rotten fish.

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The dweebs at the BBC are wetting themselves over the EV buying crisis. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-69022771

I live in an affluent area with many Teslas... of course these are SECOND cars, maybe even third cars. No one in Houston is going to trust an EV to get them out of a hurricane evacuation.

As for those tax payer subsidies, well those went to the most affluent people in the country.

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Funny how reality bites. Whilst it's hard being a member of the public it must be much harder being a politician or regulator or civil servant. Constantly bumping into the reality of normal peoples behaviour. They must be thinking.... why don't the plebs do as I say?

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My heart bleeds for them. :D

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It seems Herr Dr. Birol had been quiet for the last few months. Glad to see he has continued his quest through the confusion unabated…

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Your witty, sarcastisch humor always makes my day and drives all dunkelflautes far away.

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One Irina post a day keeps the dunkelflaute away

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Thank you!

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> So much for the transition being economically better and more profitable than preserving the status quo

Spot on. Bloomberg just reported that US electric school buses are 3 times as expensive as regular buses.


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And yet they want to release more of them!

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I applaud you Irina, this is one of the best “Irina Slav on energy” I’ve read, it’s cynically scathing of rebuildables, sorry renewables (RE) I’ve read, I smiled and had the odd chuckle on the way through. However the more I read the more sad I became not because of what you said about the RE’s attempt to reduce CO2 or conquer areas of the FREE FINITE Fossil Fuel (FFFF’s) markets, or consumer products. No I wasn’t sad for you, or sad for any children you may have, but sad for any great grandchildren you may have, or for that matter any child born today. Why sad, well because these children will see the final demise of those FFFF’s due to nothing more than EROEI, and there’s absolutely nothing that can replace FFFF’s for energy density and portability, absolutely nothing, neither RE nor Nuclear Power (whether Conventional or SMR’s). And if you’re screaming Nuclear Fusion (NF) well it’s always a dream away. But just in case by a miracle NF should materialise and produce energy too cheap to meter that would be worse than the affects of depleted FFFF’s. Why? Because humanity would boil the oceans in pursuit of exponential growth on a FINITE planet and with humanity’s attempts to colonise the stars. But don’t you be sad Irina, no, make merry and party at every opportunity you get, with your children, other’s children, like there’s no tomorrow, for you Irina, like I, are living in the best of times humans will ever, ever, live, and that’s what’s sad🤔

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