In case you’re not already sick of listening to me talk about energy and transitions, here’s an interview — a long interview — with Washington Outsider Report’s Irina Tsukerman, who brought a valuable even-more-rational-than-usual perspective to the discussion.
Side note: I will be taking next week off, it’s that time of the year again. Thanks to all of you for being here and I’ll see you again on July 24. Unless, of course, I become a casualty of the climate crisis in the meantime, what with it being summer, which is an unnatural period, apparently. At least if I perish, I will perish knowing that Frans Timmermans will commemorate me and all the other climate crisis casualties.
Irina, you'll be missed. Enjoy your respite and know that many will be praying the Climate doesn't getcha.
I hear it is boiling magma in Europe. Please carry with you a Fire Extinguisher!😉
Enjoy your holidays!